(The long awaited update) Maria's POV __________________________________ It's been weeks since I've seen, talked, or even mentioned Alex. This guy his name is Chris. He was the one at the coffee shop. I met him that day and everything was different. But, when he saw me with Alex, he thought we were dating. I was in tears for days. Wondering "Will I ever find love" Just wondering the same thing over and over again. I missed them both like crazy. Alex he was sweet and charming but he wasn't fresh like he always did the same old stuff nothing new. But, Chris he was everything. The way our eyes met. The way I could feel sparks when he briefly touched my hand. Was it love? Or was he just another guy that would use me and break my heart. I had to find out. Every moment I just wanted to be in his arms, feel his warm body against mine (as in a hug), feel our fingers intertwine, feel our lips touch. He was perfect yet we were just friends. But I feel like its love. I don't know what to do or say when I'm around him. I always wanna say "I love you" but I'm scared of what will happen to out friendship. Feedback?
The Story
he would probably be like.....umm, Uhh, umm, she's probably talking about a different Chris. I'm probably Alex and Matt is Chris(skateboards away)