New name? 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cookies-has-quit, May 29, 2012.

  1. Hullo
    I'm gonna get straight to the point because I can't make small talk for cookies.
    I need a new name. Hopefully something sensible and not
    "***twister5000" that I was offered by a friend -_-"
    I want it similar to this one so people still get angry when I say hi in their news feed. 
    Chow 
  2. SmallTalkForCookies
  3. LudwigBeilschmidt.

    I will pay you. Please.
  4. Translated please .-.
  5. What's up with this "noob" business?:\

    Oh, just Google Image search Ludwig Beilschmidt :mrgreen:
  6. I can't..
    Internet isn't working?
  7. Then how are you on PIMD right now :twisted: don't make me post a picture myself.
  8. Oh THAT Internet!
    Nope. No signal sorry :/
  9. How about Earth_Quayker
  10. Fine. Then I'll just post a very large image on this here thread, where everyone will see it...
  11. SmallTalkForQuaykerCookies
  12. How about No_Quayker_net_Connection
  13. Not awesome lol jk I'm awesome
  14. How about:

  15. I don't use violence because I'm a Quaker
  16. Go with Mr_Noodles