name the song that's stuck in your head

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BadBart, May 29, 2012.

  1. Ever hear a song and all day it's stuck in your head!! well name your song here

    Mine is. Call me crazy.... Call me maybe lol
  2. Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart by Willow... It's driving me mad! That song is so depressing!
  3. The Eminem song in MI4 but I don't know the name of it.

  4. Ellie Goulding -lights
    Carly Rae jepsen-call me maybe <3
    Rihanna- where have you been
  5. BOO 
  6. Call me maybe  too catchy 
  7. GDL! 
  8. Holy fick! How are you?
  9. Better. You?
  10. Meh. Ready for summer. Final exams are a witch
  11. Unclucky.

    Finished all my exams.

    Flumpfa Flumf.
  12. @laura that's why I love it because I know all the lyrics and get to sing along 
  13. It's 'Woot Woot' but for bad ass people.
  14. Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining :roll:
  15. My pleasure.

    How's PiMD been without my 'awesome' presence?
  16. Dango daikozoku 
  17. Prussia much........

    Well I don't know, since I just re-downloaded it yesterday XD
  18. I know, capeace 