A rp for anyone and anything

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *--_Hephaestus_-- (01), May 21, 2012.

  1. Madison: Where is it?... *Looks for it, her skirt up*
  2. Roland: -reaches out and strokes the panties- so soft.. Nice color too
  3. Madison: *Blushes, feeling the touch* W-Who is that?
  4. Roland: oh hi! Just admiring your pantie choice...
  5. Madison: Gah.. T-Thats fine... .-.
  6. Roland: -smiles- is it? Well I must say that your entire outfit looks wonderful

    (I forgot to add that he doesn't think it's wrong at all to do these things)
  7. :)0)
    Madison: T-Thank you... what's your name?
  8. Roland: -frowns and drops the skirt- how rude of me -bows to her- I am Roland, oldest friend Dots has had and resident cute boy -winks-
  9. Madison: *Giggles* T-The name is Madison. *Bows*
  10. Roland: -smiles warmly- Madison, what a beautiful name. And a body that matches -cups her breasts and squeezes them- I mean you are beautiful
  11. Madison: *Blushes, looking down* Ow...*Tilts her head back*
  12. Roland: -concern touches his face- what happened?
  13. Madison: *Whispers in his ear*
    (I'll PM you~)
  14. (just remember I'm silenced )
  15. Roland: -raises an eyebrow- really... So doing this -squeezes again-
  16. :)3 Okay~)
    Madison: *Moans* Ah-
  17. Roland: -let's go- I like you. You don't fight me like most other girls -writes down my number- call me sometime
  18. Madison: When? *Raises and eyebrow, putting his number in her bra*
  19. Roland: -thinks about it- maybe whenever you want to go out? Or maybe when you just want the pleasure of my company -winks-
  20. Madison: Tonight. *Winks, *Lifting her skirt teasingly in the front*