Sheriff looked around the dusty, peaceful town of War Gaft. A silly name it was, but it was also a good name. War Gaft was coming up on it's 175th anniversary for being a town, and the sheriff didn't want any trouble when the celebration goes on. Sheriff Shadow Hedges, the one and only sheriff in town, looked at the shops being cleaned up for the birthday of the town. Everything is peaceful and safe, except sheriff's mind. With Scarlett Seduire, his mind won't be safe. Especially, in the hands of an outlaw. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, Shadow Hedges is shadow the hedgehog and Scarlett Seduire is Rouge the bat. So yeah, practically a shadouge story. I won't be on often due to some things, but I'll be on often enough. ;D Everyday I'll try and update.
Chapter one, The Outlaw Old Friend. Scarlett walked into the dirty old town of War Gaft. The bandana around her face was red, to match the color that she gets to see all the time after killing a victim or two. Her platinum blond hair was natural, and it was in a perfect ponytail beneath her hat. The end of her ponytail was curled. Her sea-green and blue eyes were hidden. Her hand was on her gun as she walked into the saloon of the old town, sitting next to the sheriff. "What can I getcha, doll face?" the bartender asked her. She lifted her hat a bit. "Just a drink of whatever you got, dear sir." Sheriff glanced at Scarlett's face, his crimson eyes analyzing her face. The bartender set the drink down, and walked to his next costumer. She lifted the glass slowly, as if she was hesitant to what in in the cup. She glared right at sheriff. "What are you lookin' at, pretty boy?" Sheriff hissed and stood up, looking down at her. She took a drink, setting the cup down and looked up at him innocently. "What're you gonna do, sheriff?" she asked mockingly, as if he had a wooden sword to threaten her with. He pinned her arms to the counter, growling. "Oh, I do like it when you play rough with me, Sheriff Shadow Hedges. " That line made him stop dead in his tracks as the words slipped out of his mouth. "Scarlett Seduire...."
Alrighty, here's my issue. I won't be on until Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday because it's being shipped. For those that like this story, I'm going to update it one last time before I leave and come back. I'll be ScarlettSeduire or HappyGilmore/HappyJaden. ;D I love you children.
Chapter One, Part Two. She kicked him in the chest, making him fall to his knees. "Weak man, arentcha?" she hissed, dropping her glass next to him. It shattered against the wooden door. He coughed, sneering at her words. "Well Ms.Seduire, I'm not as weak as you think I am." "Then stand up, boy! You look like a little girl holding your chest like that!" she barked, stamping her boots and smirking. The other men were laughing, or whispering about how weak he appeared to be. "Scarlett, I am Sheriff of this damn town for a reason!" he shouted, pushing her into the counter. She yelped, and sat up off the broken wood. She wiped her butt off and the blood of her face. She growled, wiping out her gun. "You want to docy doe pretty boy?" she hissed through her fang like teeth. She bit the air as she tossed her hat on the counter. She had her bandana around her neck and off her face. Her ponytail was taken out, leaving her wavy, platinum blonde hair out. Her face was crimson colored with anger and embarrassment. She growled, shooting a bullet almost an inch away from his face. "Oh yes, Miss Seduire. I'd love to." he mocked, cocking his gun and backing out the saloon doors. Scarlett snatched her hat off the dirty wooden counter, placing it on her head and running out the doors. She barked,"Where are you?!" He stood out in the dirt, shooting a bullet to grasp her attention. "Right here, Scarlett. Now, let's dance."
Chapter Two, Getting Along With the Prisoner~ Scarlett spat on the dirt, growling. "Now Scarlett, that isn't lady-like." he smirked, lifting his hat up. "Shut your big mouth, Shadow." she growled, stepping up. Her teeth were a shining white in the sun's beam. Shadow stepped back, glancing behind him for safty. She kept moving up, eventually, he fell against a rock. She looked down at him, smirking. "Now whatcha gonna do, Sheriff?" she smirked. There was a click of chains behind her back and a cheery voice. "You're gonna go down to the Sheriff's office, Ms. Seduire." The small blond boy grinned in his achievement. "Miles, go back to the office!" The sheriff barked. "But I caught an outlaw!" Miles whined. "Outlaw?...."
Chapter Two, Part Two~ Scarlett hissed at the voice of the sheriff's assistant. She preferred being with the sheriff, alone. She shifted her feet, sighing. The sheriff blushed a bright shade of red as Miles grinned, pushing Scarlett to the Sheriff's office. Sheriff walked beside Miles, and Miles pointed a tattoo like picture out on tailbone. "Look Sheriff," he whispered. "She has a picture on her back." Sheriff blushed, pulling his hat down to cover his face. Scarlett glanced back at Shadow, looking at his eyes, staring at her behind. "What are you staring at?" she asked, breaking the silence. Miles coughed, stopping and pushing Shadow into her back. Scarlett hissed,"Watch it!" As they reached the office, Shadow checked the list of things they needed to check with the prisoner. "Okay, Any artificial marks?" Miles asked, coughing. "Yes I do. It's on my back." she said, blushing red. "Mind telling us what it is?" Miles grinned, nudging Shadow. He brushed Miles off, blushing. "It's a butterfly with blue and purple..." "Can you show us?" "Sure..." She stood up, turning around and lifting the back of her shirt. The butterfly's wings weren't big, but it's body was. Miles grinned as the sheriff's jaw dropped. "Done starin yet?" she asked, sighing and rolling her eyes. Miles pushed Shadow's chin up, shutting his mouth for him. "Yes we are, Ms. Seduire. You can sit down now." Miles snickers, grinning.
Chapter Three, A Friendly Talk~ Scarlett sat in the rusty cell, sighing. She kicked a few rocks, watching them scatter out of the cell. They stopped at a pair of boots. "Sheriff." "Seduire." he sighed, opening the cell gate, and Miles popping out behind him and closing it. The sheriff had stepped inside, sitting beside the culprit. ------ Sheriff Hedge's POV~ I sat down beside Scarlett, taking my hat off. I sighed, looking at the ground. "You don't have to talk to me, Sheriff." "Scarlett, quit callin me sheriff. Just call me Shadow." Her face turned red, and her blue eyes met mine. Her platinum blonde hair was in a perfect ponytail, curled at the end. The red lipstick on her face made her look like the perfect killer. "Why? I like callin you Sheriff, Sheriff." she giggled, leaning on me. I felt my face burn as she leaned on me, as her body touched mine. "Hey Sheriff?" "Yes Scarlett?" I asked, looking at her. She was now up, sitting on her knees on the dusty, wooden bench. "Turn and face me for a moment, will ya?" she asked me, looking as if she was smirking. I couldn't tell facing forward. I turned my body, and was automatically pinned to the wall. "S-Scarlett-" "Nice try sheriff, try harder to keep me here." She blasted the lock on the gate with her gun, and kicked it down. I sat there, trembling with my gun, trying to figure whether or not to shoot her. Miles whacked her with a piece of wood, and I fainted. The last thing I had seen was the butterfly on her back.