The Death Games

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *TiffanyOdair (01), May 20, 2012.

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  1. Sorry everyone, I only have space for one more female (D6). I need a D6 male, D10 male and D11 male. 8(
  2. D10 male

    Tony Badirfilay
    Slingshot and spear
    Excells in knowledge of survival skills, but tends to have a hard time recalling them.
  3. Thanks! 

    I need the other characters by 8pm (1 and a half hours more) or I'll make them myself, using names from Wattpad stories(changed slightly lah~ ). I'm using your names because I want all of you awesome readers to be as involved in the story as possible! 
  4. Sorry girls, can I have Greta Halis be the D6 tribute? I find more potential in her, sorry girls  Don't hate me! I'll find some way to fit you two into the story(Avox? Mentor?), I find Allora Flema perfect as the Hunger Games announcer(like Claudius Templesmith).  Is it okay if I make Rebecca Rodriguez an Avox?
  5. OKAY, I'm creating the rest of the characters on my own. I seriously need to start on the chariot chapter. 8(
  6. Lol ok. I'm cool with that
  7. I'm still district 11 right?
  8. READ MY THREAD!!!!!

    (I need feedback)
  9. Ermmm...yaayy..?
  10. @o_OS-W-A-Go_O

    Please don't advertise here, thanks.
  11. Thanks for bumping, Bekka! 

    I won't be able to update for today and tomorrow as I have to go to school during the holidays for rehearsals(did I tell you I'm in a Hunger Games play as Katniss for my drama club? ), so I won't be able to update.
  12. Lucky
  13. Tiffy-sama! :3 Update soon! Snag Cato for me! :eek: XD
  14. Cato isn't in my story!

    Okay, I'm going to create the other boys (don't worry, they're all bloodbath tributes) now. 
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