Sorry everyone, I only have space for one more female (D6). I need a D6 male, D10 male and D11 male. 8(
D10 male Tony Badirfilay 12 Slingshot and spear Excells in knowledge of survival skills, but tends to have a hard time recalling them.
Thanks! I need the other characters by 8pm (1 and a half hours more) or I'll make them myself, using names from Wattpad stories(changed slightly lah~ ). I'm using your names because I want all of you awesome readers to be as involved in the story as possible!
Sorry girls, can I have Greta Halis be the D6 tribute? I find more potential in her, sorry girls Don't hate me! I'll find some way to fit you two into the story(Avox? Mentor?), I find Allora Flema perfect as the Hunger Games announcer(like Claudius Templesmith). Is it okay if I make Rebecca Rodriguez an Avox?
OKAY, I'm creating the rest of the characters on my own. I seriously need to start on the chariot chapter. 8(
Thanks for bumping, Bekka! I won't be able to update for today and tomorrow as I have to go to school during the holidays for rehearsals(did I tell you I'm in a Hunger Games play as Katniss for my drama club? ), so I won't be able to update.
Cato isn't in my story! Okay, I'm going to create the other boys (don't worry, they're all bloodbath tributes) now.