Murderer in the Box 2

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *ChristianandBells (01), May 14, 2012.

  1. Bump/ Update please
  2. Ok I will, probably in like a couple hours hahaha but sorry for the long wait, busy with work and school and friends
  3. But It's been more than a couple hours.....
  4. I need an update!!!!!!!!!
  5. U need to update right when u get on please
  6. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE (everyone joins in the chant)
  7. love you guys, soon my kitties soon
  8. Bella stop talkin to use and Write
  10. Please...for...the sake of humanity?...or!

  11. ....And Me.... Just like update and get this story over wit
  12. Lol ok ok ok I'll update tonight, ya'll just keep checking in, have a lot to do in real life!!!
  13. Um u never updated
  14. Yeah so like update please
  15. Bella, Bella, Bella

    If you procrastinate this long, your dear readers are going to start dropping like flies