Celeste Jones 15 District: You can choose Looks: Dark red hair in a ponytail, tan skin, dark green eyes Personality: Calm, mature, smart, sarcastic Weapon: Throwing knives, a spear Bio: Her parents died when she was young, and she's lived with her aunt ever since. She has always had extremely good hearing.
Savannah (You can choose her last name). 16 District: You can choose. Weapon: Anything she can get her hands on. Bows, tridents, and knives are her best. Personality: Athletic, good strategizer, powerful, funny, smart. Bio: Her mother died in the original Hunger games. Her dad works a lot and isn't home much. She mostly takes care of her and her 8-year-old brother, John.
I would like to make a character. Allora Flema District 11 14 Looksark Hair,tall, Icy blue eyes (which is unusual for Disrict 11)Carmel skin Personality:Quiet, likes to keep to herself, very good at strategizing, Kind but if you piss her off your in a whole lot off trouble, willing to kill when needed Weapons: Works best with daggers, plants, bow, axe
Mee eez gonna make e character. Greta Halis 16 Bow and arrow, stone knife Loud, boisterous personality, a chatterbox. Can kill secretively if she wants to. Mainly a show-off. Her father is the town mayor. District: (you can choose) Looks: Brown hair, olive skin, brown eyes
Name- Rebecca Rodriguez Age- 14 Weapons- bow and arrow,throwing knives Looks: District: 8 Other information: she is skilled in fighting and will make a tough enemy Mother and father: unknown Siblings: unknown
Thank you dearies! I already have D8 tribute and D11 tributes, mind if I change you two to other districts?