The Death Games

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *TiffanyOdair (01), May 20, 2012.

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  1. Sure, but nothing perverted 

    I need D6,7,10 and 11 tributes. 
  2. I need a surname for Caleb, is Caleb Elwood okay?
  3. I'll make a character, if you need it lok
  4. Yay!! Opal!! 
  5. Celeste Jones
    District: You can choose
    Looks: Dark red hair in a ponytail, tan skin, dark green eyes
    Personality: Calm, mature, smart, sarcastic
    Weapon: Throwing knives, a spear
    Bio: Her parents died when she was young, and she's lived with her aunt ever since. She has always had extremely good hearing.
  6. Okay, thanks  District 7 okay?
  7. Savannah (You can choose her last name).
    District: You can choose.
    Weapon: Anything she can get her hands on. Bows, tridents, and knives are her best.
    Personality: Athletic, good strategizer, powerful, funny, smart.
    Bio: Her mother died in the original Hunger games. Her dad works a lot and isn't home much. She mostly takes care of her and her 8-year-old brother, John.
  8. District 6 okay? 
  9. Wait, change of plans. D11 female okay?
  10. Okay Can I stay in the games a long time
  11.  I would like to make a character.

    Allora Flema
    District 11
    Looks:Dark Hair,tall, Icy blue eyes (which is unusual for Disrict 11)Carmel skin
    Personality:Quiet, likes to keep to herself, very good at strategizing, Kind but if you piss her off your in a whole lot off trouble, willing to kill when needed
    Weapons: Works best with daggers, plants, bow, axe
  12. Meep. :T Came to visit before I leave again.
  13. Mee eez gonna make e character.

    Greta Halis
    Bow and arrow, stone knife
    Loud, boisterous personality, a chatterbox. Can kill secretively if she wants to. Mainly a show-off. Her father is the town mayor.
    District: (you can choose)
    Looks: Brown hair, olive skin, brown eyes
  14. Name- Rebecca Rodriguez
    Age- 14
    Weapons- bow and arrow,throwing knives
    Looks: [​IMG]
    District: 8
    Other information: she is skilled in fighting and will make a tough enemy
    Mother and father: unknown
    Siblings: unknown
  15. Love it so far please update now
  16. Thank you dearies! I already have D8 tribute and D11 tributes, mind if I change you two to other districts? 
  17. Yes, Oreo-sama. 
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