So here you can put in an order for a story you would like to be written. Vampires? Werewolves? Hunger Games? Zombies? Demons? Angels? Rich girl x bad boy? (totes cliche, but so much fun to write.) Anything you would like, just put down your character and want you want, and I'll write it. I'm thinking I'll take the first 5-8, maybe 10. If I like a story enough, I'll make it extra long
Name:Lauryn Creature: a werehyena ( like a cousin to the werewolf but is a hyena and can turn randomly but sometimes can do it at will) Age:13 Looks:Long jet black hair with yellow steaks and most of it covering the right side of my face Blue eyes Dark brown skin Kinda big Personality: She is very strange and random claiming that she is not from Earth and is a creature of some sort.She is mostly described as eccentric.She is a creature but no ones truly believes her and thinks she's joking. She's also shy at sometimes when meeting new people cause she's afraid of hurting them
What about girl who likes to fight with who ever gets in her way and a leader of a school gang A dumb girl with super nerdy guy A dumb girl who falls in love with a band member A poor but smart girl goes to super elite rich school and falls in love with guy who doesn't like annoying girls who speak their mind Girl who falls in love with two brothers but they turn out to be... dun dun duuuun Lol I just like writing random stories (tbh iv wrote a story for all those examples I just gave)
I like the demon idea. :3 Name: Chayse Reyes Age: 16 Black curls that reach her neck, deep sea blue eyes. About 5'6. Wears braces. Caucasian. Short tempered, loud mouth, and won't be afraid to share her opinion. Hates being called names, and will get into a fight if it's necessary. Has a tendency to be rude. (Change if you need it different.) Being a demon, her eyes will grow Ito a violet color and she'll have fangs. ,_, and become blood thirsty. ;$