When You Like Someone

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-__-XoXo-TWISTED-JoJo-XoXo-__- (01), May 22, 2012.

  1. When You Like Someone And They Dont Like You Back It can Be Hard
  2. Awww just move on to the next until you find that special girl.
  3. Happens often lol but what simply said move onto the next one ;) they say sometimes you Stare too long at the door that's closed that you don't realize the new one that's opened. who knows someone out there might already be obsessing over you 
  4.  I'm ashamed to say it has never happened to me.. x_x I'm happily dating with my guy 

    But my advice is move on ... Some people may be liking u
  5. At least ur gf didn't slap in da face
  6. Yah. I know my crush is ignoring me.
  7. Dr. multi prescribes a 'TRAMPAGE' that will help get over her