So, I realize this might sound a bit familiar, but it'll separate, I promise (Ehem, Bella) And yes, to all of you annoyed Fan Fictioners, this is my last story involving characters featuring my club :3 ____________ Bella POV I woke up inside a large, dome shaped structure. with bars. Almost like a gold birdcage. I noticed a few other people sprawled out of the ground. Some, with their mouths wide open. Was I dead? _____ Fan POV I opened my eyes with a start. Where was I? I couldn't remember what happened. Was it amnesia? Yet, I couldn't shake off this feeling of Desa Vu. _______ Ali POV As I regained consciousness, I remained placed as I was. I was in a foreign place. I was stomach down on a smooth floor. No, not completely smooth. Small, linear indents, forming complicating patterns and words in a different alphabet. Greek? I peeked through my eyelids and saw circles upon circles, filled with those squiggly line letters. Something moved, so I tightened my eyelids once again. ___________
Maria POV I think I was dead, in fact, I was sure of it. I opened my eyes when I heard rustling. I was in a bird cage, filled with desa Vu-stimulating people. I studied the face of a guy who's face was near mine. A name came to mind. Matt. Who's Matt? _____ Matt POV I feel like I'm being watched....
Zach POV I think I'm dead. _____ Linda POV I opened my eyes to darkness and a peculiar shine. I was back to the floor, face up, palms upward. I noticed many rising humanoids, probably just waking up, realizing their predicament. I heard some yawn, so I decided to get up. That was when I saw where the shine was coming from. A golden birdcage enclosed us all, illuminating the bars from the inside of them. Outside was pitch black. Nothingness. __________ Zach POV Yeah, I'm definitely dead.
I like how the guys r dumbfounded and the girls r boss hahaha, very good I LOVE IT!!!! KEEP UPDATING!!!
Bella POV I decided to approach a girl closest to me, a brunette chic with eyes that reflected the light from the gold bars. "Hey, do you know where we are?" I asked. "Nope," She replied. "Well someone better know," I remarked. "Yea," She whispered, "I'm Fan." She held out a hand. "I'm Bella," I took the hand and we exchanged grins. "It's nice too meet you," Fan said. Then she vanished into thin air.