Donate button

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Hill_, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. there should b a donate button so u can donate moneh to the people that needs it

    ps. im not responsible for noobies on campus asking for donations but that button can be realy usefull
  2. it could also be a reason for
    trouble. ex. if a war has an agreement of no merc. but we have this button. we could still ask help from vip
  3. only be able to donate to people in your club
  4. No because then any vip could join and give lots of people money and other people will be annoyed
  5. Why would a vip join someones club just so they can give people money?
  6. So they can hide their money
  7. Also, this should be under feedback/question forum
  8. This is stupid cause a player can just buy billions from extra credits then donate the money out to their clan and noobs who don't know the game can be on VIP
  9. Why not a Donation button for actual people in need of it like people in japan and the homeless people across the USA, that would be a better idea
  10. Why not a lot of people are doing it like a Japan relief donation button Sony is doin it
  11. Just go online and donate to japan etc better than making the game crash again by putting in a button that doesn't even relate to the game