 Return Of The PIMD Word 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Joowie, May 10, 2012.

  1.  Letter From Head Editor 

    Hi all, It's me  A.K.A RawrLove_ if you didn't know. I'm continuing the newspaper after 2-3 weeks of no paper. I'm sorry about that. I've been busy with finals and just haven't had the time. Well, I thank the fans of this who will still read it. I intend on keeping the newspaper going from now on 

    Cover Story

    Learning PIMD Inside and Out: Part 2

    Stated in the thread "Reason Why You Play PIMD??", created by -White_Sparrow-, players have stated that they play purely for the ability to talk to other players. But is there more to what we really do here? Obviously, other players are truly dedicated to the highly addictive game. Why? With the opportunity to battle other players, hold wars against other members of a club, and make the ultimate money, no one is complaining here. No wonder! But throughout the community, there are quite a few here for the wrong reason. Numerous players are asking to be added on different socializing apps, which clearly breaks the ToU. These players are also asking for "role-playing" and quite a few are even dating enough to ask for "sexting". This type of behavior is really upsetting to players who enjoy the game for the right reasons. This "generation" of players have forgotten the morals of the game, though it isn't all. But on the upside, our faithful and dedicated moderators are quite good at their job, bringing down the rule breakers. Just maybe we'll hear the end of this..


    The awards section has been revised. Instead of me choosing the awardees, the readers will be allowed to vote. These are the categories:

    •  Girl Of The Week
    •  Guy Of The Week
    •  Club Of The Week
    •  Pupil Of The Week
    •  V.I.P Of The Week 
    •  Best Thread
    •  Best Fan-Fiction Story

    Please vote for people based on these categories.  Everyone is allowed to vote once; If you vote more than once, you're vote will not count at all. 

    Recent Events

    Here are some of the events around PIMD:

    • June 1st:  Huge War 
    Hosted by 12-TheMan-12. See thread for details 

    Quote Of The Week

    "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

    - First quoted by Friedrich Nietzsche

    What this means?

    It means that you can only grow stronger from what hurts you and breaks you. So if you feel like giving up from something that's too hard, remember that if it takes a lot to get through, it will only make you stronger in the end 

    Welp, that's this week's paper  Sorry it's a little short. Next week's paper will be posted Monday, May 14th. Thanks 
  2. I get all awards.. .. You should also add Nephirus of the Week between Girl and Boy of the Week
  3. Cant wait for next weeks 
  4. Best pupil is -Juubi-
  5. Thanks crystal 

    And no Neph  worse award ever

    And I'll keep track of all nominees  I'll post a update maybe the day before I post next week's issue, just so you can see where they stand 
  6. The huge war is actually in about 45hrs
  7. Oh well I kinda just looked at the thread :| My bad.. Sorry for the incorrect information
  8. i forgot to vote:
    :The Beach Bombs
  9. Okay :) I'll make sure I keep track of this
  10. •  -UI-Zeta
    •  StephaneThadeus
    • Unknown Infinity
    •  Berkinshire (won't get many votes, but he has 6 alts with 25b each to keep me.)
    •  Max-Cady-of-Blue
  11. I love that newspaper you make! 5 stars for you
  12. Lol no worries i was just clearing that up..
  13.  *Pokes people on this thread*

    Very good 
  14. Thanks Jopo 

    And thanks Ari and Alice 
  15. Your welcome 
  16. *daring where I said dating 
  17. _Elite-Love2Music
    Club E.L.I.T.E. 
    the word pedophile "
  18. Best pupil bane