All time low 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cookies-has-quit, May 8, 2012.

  1. I thought this was to do with the band 'All Time low' lol.

    This is a serious issue which the community needs to address. I can understand 16 due to UK laws, anything lower and peadobears must be punished 

    Pandas ain't peadobears
  2. I personally think that there should be an age limit on this thing... Seriously, what are the game makers waiting for before they realize having a 'recommended' age isn't enough anymore 
  3. You can't Kick off the younger generation because of some of them. Especially when they're more mature than the older people!! 
  4. I got excited about this post at first because I, like EnglishPanda, thought it was about the band. Now I'm disappointed. ):
  5. I thought it was about the band too! 

    But this is really serious. Today, I saw three perverts post on campus in 10 minutes. Three different people!

    And a girl replied that she was looking for 'hot guys' and one of the guys replied.

    Oh goodness.

  6. WTF fresh juicy tits??? Omg the low lives are destroying PIMD for the genuine players...TBH they need more mods coz most of the time when this happens the mods are offline.
  7. If I'm honest I think the makers of the game have contributed a small amount to this.
    The nurse "I make you play longer.."
    The icon [image of a bust]
    And the General theme;
    "Viewing time"
    "Who are you again?"
    "Dutch Baking"
    And the character "Sleazy Girl"
    I'm not surprised with the amount of over-hormonal pre-pubescent teens we have on this.
    And it's not just the teens. People around their early twenties use this to get 'friends with benefits'.
    It's a violation of every rule u can think of and a disgusting attitude to society. The law needs to be brought down HARD on these. Give them a ban for a week instead of a 24hr silence if they are looking for **** buddies 
  8. The game is recommended for an over 17 audience with a college theme. Anyone who has been to college knows that boobs and beer are an integral part of that. It's not aimed at little kids and young teenagers so why should the intended audience who don't start tutting at the mention of boobies suffer for the sake of hormonal teenagers?

    Drinking beer and having sex doesnt make people pervs like half of you seem to think. I agree that more mods are needed. I'd love to see the 9 year olds not on a 17 recommended game but the responsibility for that lies with the parents not ata or the mods.
  9. Agreed Casper, the intended audience shouldn't suffer. But what perv is going to scroll past a game with a logo being a girls breasts? That just screams download me perv.
  10. This was coming from someone who said in WC, " 20 years old and older should not be playing this game, they are too old"

  11.  I wanna see other people's reaction to that
  12.  how does that make sense?
  13.  he only included 17 on there because I walled him first, "this game is recommended 17 and older"
  14. Whoever said that is clearly a medical miracle. Most people without a functioning brain die.
  15. 