Chelsea's point of view: "Plain as usual. You never changed, Chelsea." the mystery man laughed. "A-Adam... Why are you here?!" I stammered. "I am Rick's brother, silly. You never knew?" Adam mocked as he shot me his icy smirk. "D-Didn't I say that you will NEVER EVER SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME EVER AGAIN?? I screamed. "But here I am!" Adam exclaimed playfully. I felt my blood boil. I can't take this anymore. All those painful memories... they're all coming back to me. "Ri-Rick... S-save me." I pleaded as I turned to Rick. But little by little, Rick was disappearing... "R-Rick... what's happening..." I stammered. Why is my vision getting blurry?! "Well, what are you gonna do now, Chelsea? Be my DOG again?" Adam laughed. Suddenly, a small voice outside the walls of the restaurant was continuously calling out to me. "Chelsea! Can you hear me?" Huh? What's happening?! "Chelsea! Chelsea!" Suddenly, I snapped back to reality. "Wh-Where am I?" I mumbled as I tried to get up from lying down. "You're in the hospital." Rick whispered as he caressed my forehead. "Wh-why?" I asked. "Well, just when you entered the restaurant, you fainted. You haven't even met my brother yet!" Rick narrated. "I haven't met your brother?" I repeated. So, I was just DREAMING about the whole "Adam" thing. What a nightmare. I sighed in relief. "Are you okay now?" Rick asked. "I think." I mumbled. Then, I heard the door open. A tall, good-looking man entered and smiled at me. "There you are, Jake!" Rick stood up and shook the man's hand. The man turned to me. "Fancy meeting you, Chelsea. I'm Jake, Rick's brother." the visitor smiled broadly as he extended his hand to me. I shook his hand. "Hi Jake." My heartbeat slowed down. This is good. It isn't HIM. What was I thinking all along anyway? "Just a warning. He's kinda stupid." Rick whispered. "Stupid?" I whispered back. "Not just 'kinda'," Rick added, "He's REALLY stupid." "You feelin' alright?" Jake asked. I giggled. He had the same accent as Rick. So cute. "Better. Sorry for the inconvenience." "It's okay," Jake smiled, "Let's just blame the heat for making you faint." I smiled back. "Actually, it wasn't the heat that made me faint." "Then, what caused you to faint, Chelsea?" Rick asked. "Well, I just felt too nervous to meet Rick's brother." I laughed. "There's nothin' to be nervous about." Jake added comfortingly. "I know. I just thought Rick's brother was someone else." I admitted honestly. "Someone else?" Rick repeated. "Yes, I thought it was Adam. He was someone I knew from my past." I giggled. Suddenly, I stopped. Why was I saying these things? Ugh. Seriously. What's happening to me? "Adam? I know someone by that name." Jake mumbled. "Jake!" Rick exclaimed threateningly. "Aha! I remember now!" Jake said excitedly, "He... "... has the same name as Rick's real brother!" I quickly turned to Rick. "What REAL brother?!"
Rick's finally busted. Well, he was actually the one who dug his own grave. Well done, poor and innocent Jake. Feedback, anyone?
ZOMGQWERTYUIOP- I love this story! I officially dislike the characters Rick and Chelsea Their personalities are too dramatic. Rick overreacts as well as Chelsea. Rick (as I said before) put himself in a situation he didn't need to be in. Why can't people be honest with each other?
Chelsea actually dreamed Rick's brother. And it was true. Amazing update, but I would love to find out what will happen to Rick and Adam
Could you guys read 'Innocence.' For me? It's my first story on ff, and I would appreciate feedback and more readers! Thanks Eliza02 for letting me advertise my story Yours is awesome, manages to always put you on edge!
Tsk. I really hate this feeling. A small voice inside me is screaming that this story is going bad. It's getting boring, isn't it? Don't you think so? Tell me your opinions please. I could just stop this one and make a brand new story. I'm DESPERATE for your feedbacks. See what I did there? *Ahem* Anyway, I'm serious.