 lunch 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by th3_uns33n_m4gik4rp_hunt3r, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Ok, so here's the deal, I went out to get myself some lunch…
    I was thinking, 'Hungry Jacks' nom nom nom, then I placed my order, I ended up waiting like half an hour, I couldn't wait to shove the chips in my mouth 
    Then I was disappointed to see that there were barley any chips in it 
    I shoved them down my mouth and unwrapped my double cheese burger, yum! 
    But then I saw, get this, it had no cheese in it! 
    I had to ask them for some, they tried charging me for it, no thanks!
    So they gave me some, and I was pretty disappointed to see that it didn't taste so good 
    And that is the story of my disappointing lunch 
  2. Hmmm mine was even worse. The man in the store tried to cheat me outta my 5.74$ and my best friend accidentally walked out of the store with some cotton candy she had picked up and we got chased by an employee. Then she got suspended for a day for stealing and I got detention for not saying anything.. . She didn't know she had the freaking cotton candy in her hand!!! For gods sake!
  3. Get this, I saw the man take the money too!!! -_-
  4. Who makes a cheese burger with no cheese though!?!? 
  5. That guy is a tool 
  6. Thats wat a CHEESE burger is a hamburger with cheese on it...
  7. Then why wasn't there any cheese?
  8. Because you didnt say cheeseburger with cheese here if you dont say with cheese you have none
  9. I said, 'can I please have a double cheese burger stunner deal?'
    Was she deaf or something!?!? 

  10. Maybe 
  11. I said "can I have a medium fry with extra sea salt." She gave me extra pickles...