Ok, so here's the deal, I went out to get myself some lunch… I was thinking, 'Hungry Jacks' nom nom nom, then I placed my order, I ended up waiting like half an hour, I couldn't wait to shove the chips in my mouth Then I was disappointed to see that there were barley any chips in it I shoved them down my mouth and unwrapped my double cheese burger, yum! But then I saw, get this, it had no cheese in it! I had to ask them for some, they tried charging me for it, no thanks! So they gave me some, and I was pretty disappointed to see that it didn't taste so good And that is the story of my disappointing lunch
Hmmm mine was even worse. The man in the store tried to cheat me outta my 5.74$ and my best friend accidentally walked out of the store with some cotton candy she had picked up and we got chased by an employee. Then she got suspended for a day for stealing and I got detention for not saying anything.. . She didn't know she had the freaking cotton candy in her hand!!! For gods sake!
I said, 'can I please have a double cheese burger stunner deal?' Was she deaf or something!?!? ~ᎦᎿᏜᎡ