To my lovely Irem Baby I pray for you day and night, I live in pain, my heart died, missing you day and night, holding my breath and waiting for you, I missed everything about you, day one till now you've been by my side you put smile on my face, love in my heart. dont leave me alone, just come back. You are one amazing person, loved by everyone. Love You my Life
God please watch over irem and bring her home soon, you're in my prayers irem miss you dearlylove you and hope you get well soon
I would love to have you back this instant cuz your a great person that bring smiles and laughs to those that really know you. I know you'll get through soon..fight to see those that care for you Irem
my poor darling irem pray God n d angels had watched over u n kept u safe frm harm n still watching over till u recover.. i missed u darling
Please God, Irem is one of the bestest girl here in pimd, please let her recover as soon as possible everyone is missing her. Hear our thoughts and prayers us we beg you for guidance and fast healing Amen. Mommy, I know we're incest sometimes but you know I love you. Please come back soon, K? Broskie and I, totally missing you. -UI-Nightmares-Passion- Best ever
irem... All I can say is be strong hun... I wanna see you in campus again next week or I'll --CL--
You are in my prayers Irem. I am praying that you recover quickly and that you get a complete miracle of healing. God bless you.
I miss you mommy! I wondered all these times where you've been. I am deeply saddened by the news. I pray to God that He will lay His healing hand on you. Get well soon. Your UI and PIMD friends miss you so much. Love ya!
You will be in my prayers as well as my heart Irem, you are missed. I will pray for your quick recovery. Lauren
Feel better soon Irem!!! we love you so much! Make a quick and fast recovery and stay positive no matter what!
Granny irem....i hope u be out of the hospital and make all of us happy and stop the tears of sadness and give tears of joy and happinessi love u so much grannyandy know granny gunna wake up one day
ཋཔགཥ ༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒ ༒ ༒ ༒Please keep the ༒ ༒prayers coming!!! ༒ ༒ ༒ ༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒༒ (I hope that art don't mess up)