
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by brodyinyourface, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. It's kinda stupid how u always space all the way down looks like u guys have lots of time
  2. You're lame.

    End of story.

    How's that for spacing, whiner?

  3. haha



  4. Haha when did u come I love when you different guys come from no where
  5.  I posted much earlier in this thread... Or maybe it was in one of the other five million you created that day...

    However, I've been following this one for a good laugh for a while now.

    So, Thank you for giving me something to laugh at.

  6. no probs, ya lurking  lookin at these people trying to gang up on my cuz I was kidding about the 500kc joke im fine by myself
  7. nobody likes you
  8. Actually. I was laughing at your pathetic attempts to convince us this was a joke... 

  9. compare how much money I have to u
  10. Tiger u weren't in this coversastion ur just joinin like a lil kid
  11. How do you know how much money I have?
    Oh, that's right. You don't.
  12. Naw I'm saying I bet I have more money than u
  13. Bet you don't 
    Obviously, since you have to ask for help to upgrade. And I never ask anyone for a damn thing.
  14. Um I bet u do, and I was KIDDIN I HAD ANOTHER FORUM ABOUT the same thing that I was kidding and u have more than 5b
  15. I have a LOT more than five bil. And I'm aware of the other begging threads you posted... That you later claimed were a joke. Don't worry. We still don't believe you.

  16. did you literally call me a "lil boy?" dude your so hood
  17. Haha alright guys u win, go ahead and frolick and celebrate. Keep commenting, thanks and peace out
  18. Bahahahahahaha think he means it this time?

    I don't.

  19. I also dont
  20. I think I shut him up 