_BOO_'s Ramble 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __BOO__, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. 

    Hello all I'm the mysterious _BOO_ you may has seen me mentioned in such forums as "starsheild and BOO's engagement" or "couples on PMID"

    (lol bit of Simpsons there for yar)

    Anyways I'm having a good old ramble , why because it's 11pm at night I can't sleep and the chances of anyone actually reading this post are slim (  very slim )

    I haven't been on recently  cause of college  darn and tiredness 

     so a quick sorry to all those who missed me

     I also got kicked out of a club for being inactive for what... 2days!!!
    So if yar wanna give me a home please apply for a free adoption kit provided by posting my wall 


    ( ok maybe not so much the end animal )

    Anyways BOO's rant over and done with 

    Goodnight all 

    P.s. Hey starsheild u STILL silenced? 
  2.  Actually...there is a chance someone can read this. :D You posted/made this thread at 2:56pm pacific time. :3
  3. 2nd

  4. My club would take you in  if you pass the super easy interview
  5.  wow u must be the slim person  I'm a 
  6. Applied just gimme a heads up on the interview 
  7. My club won against your old club .-. 
  8. My club is my club 
  9. Hey BOO, I'm silenced for 26 days 
    I'm such a bad husband, but you gotta live with me anyway 
  10. I thought boo was a male 
  11.  I'm not male  seriously ...
  12. Why the fuck does everyone think your a guy boo!?!? 
  13. 
  14. Not funny Glenn,
    I thought you were my pal 
  15. 
  16. So, you don't want to be my pal anymore? 
  17. 
  18. Secret