иεш פαмε

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IceKrystal, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Thank you!!! Chatty Kathy I'm a little disappointed in your numbers!!!
  2. I'm sorry bite too many people.

    Bite- jan 15 2011 5:08 on 20785 u talk a lot

    Evil that's as far as I can go sorry

    Yw Zeus
  3. Yay :3 im over 9000!!!!
  4. Me!
    Btw how you do it?
  5.  I am too!!  Are those numbers only for forums?!?
  6. Look above yout post in between the words and your name
  7. I would like to know when I started and number of posts
  8. Folds hands..and stomps again..tell me I talk to much I don't want to know now..I have the site so
  9. Got the wrong date for me
  10. I'm rooting for ovi against the bruins 
  11. Ovy is the best
  12. Lawlz I'm cheering for the Blackhawks
  13. I'm a penguins fan  but they're out -.- so in rooting for anybody in the west conference, or Ottawa.
  14. Prust just hot destroyed in a fight by Neil :lol:
  15. Apoc is over 9000?

    OVER 9000!!!!