I never said I was being serious but you're being serious....... Ahahahahha, I love how you are trying to "counter" me... What a fail.
Nice try. (/_•) This is what? Your first day on forums? I think more active forumers would know. You must be some kind of "stud" to think you are making yourself seem like you trolled us. And if it's night, go to sleep. :roll:
Let's make it short- I decide to troll He said "I don't care" -5min later --He is like "Dude, you're annoying" and got all serious when he told me that I'M TAKING STUFF SERIOUS ( had to point that out I am like .... Bahahaha I don't care ---He started to insult me about friendless... And stats.. And stuff I was like..... Hypocrite... And he is ragin.
Brody... You are so behind. Go read a guide call "How to be a Perfect Forumer" by Me..... Although, I deleted after I saw you on here.
Okay thank u smart Alec for simply summarizing it okay now can u please stop or do u have more unnecessary things to say, why go ahead I'm obliged
You keep changing the topic and saying that "omg you are so funny", when you probably can't think of better disses. And calling us noobs? Yeah, who made this thread?
NO. coming from someone with higher stats than you. Trying to show off ur stats? Bitch get on my level Taste of ur own medicine
Okay so I started it. I ASKED FOR STRONG PEOPLE TO HELP ME BuT YOU LOW STATS PEOPLE THINK IT'S FUNNY TO mess around with me saying u don't wanna help me. Which u can't cuz u guys are low stats and hve no money