Which is better X-BOX or PS3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AOC-LYNX- (01), Apr 21, 2012.

  1. Ppl say Xbox is cool just coz of kinect well if I'm not mistaken ps2 already did the "ur the control" with the game eyetoy. Don't believe me ? Go on google and search ps2 game eyetoy. So playstation beats Xbox. Also like I said b4 FREE ONLINE GAMING 4 PS3.
  2. Abezy ps3 was hacked once if that's what you were referring to. If you're not, then what you're saying is just wrong. Xbox has had hacking problems before too, so don't act like its a clear cut answer. People all have opinions and you should not talk **** about them. 
  3. Ps3 everytime
  4. Im going to say PS3 i have played both they both have there share of great things but i pick PS3
  5. Im a girl played both X-BOX is better and easier. So girls who don't know how To play FIFA 12 can just press buttons and get goals 
  6. Ps3, free online, better controllers, and I can use all of my old games on it 
  7. Xbox.

    Reason: I have both, now the Playstation is just used for my family while my xbox is still with me today.

    People who say its better because it is free is the WORST reason.

    The graphics on the Xbox is better, and the community is a lot better.

    PS3 is still really good, I just prefer the xbox.
  8. I have played both and will say that if you are someone who plans to play online for a few years, then it's only sensible to use the ps3 because it's online is free while x-box is $60 per year or something like that. I believe the ps3 costs a little more than the x-box but it's free online will make up for it if you play it enough years. Now, if you play games for their story mode then you might consider x-box. I will also note that the players on x-box online are way better than ps3 online on every game. Ps3 has more casual gamers because online is free for them and a lot of them try it out. I would say ps3 is actually better for girls for this reason if you are a girl who doesn't play a lot. It's easier to win on ps3.
  9. 
  10. ^and you can't say that being free is a bad reason. It depends on the family's financial situation. If you blow your money on games and don't care then so be it. I would do a lot of things to save money even if it means sacrificing graphics.
  11. I will also add that I am experienced in watching videos on the Internet in 240 fps because my computer is that ghetto  I am experienced in bad graphics
  12. I have played alot of PS3 and XBox. An alot of you are stating differences between the 2 when in all reality there arnt many. Yes, XBox had a good community but how many of them have mica constantly? I've seen alot of lobbies on XBox not have mics. Big factor for me. Free online game play for PS3. Also awesome. And I agree, the XBox controllers are like playing with a brick. Although XBox does have some good games to it and I know they do. I still prefer the game play and overall use of the PS3.

    And for the rest of you comparing anything else to this such as, PS2>XBox.... Just go away. PS3 and PS2 are 2 totally different monsters. Might as well compare a smart car to a Shelby GT500.

    I know someone is gona try and list saying how XBox is better, and go ahead. But just cuz you say alot about it, does not mean ima put down my PS3. And 1 last thing, when have you seen the PS3 get the ring of death? Hmmmm.

    Well, time to kill some noobs on MW3.  later.
  13. I agree bro.  I find a lot more people on xbox who go into lobbies just to scream profanity the whole match. Really annoying .-.
  14. Both are great systems , so shut it and leave it as that...have a wonderfully go happy smiley day 
  15. 1. I was stating a fact about the ps2 and that it has already done something that the Xbox is doin now so I'm still on the damn topic.....
    2. I have a Xbox (my brothers Xbox) and it died 4 some strange reason. Didn't even have it 4 that long and he didn't use it every day.
  16. I wouldn't trade my Xbox for 10 PS3's with every single game ever.

    'nuff said.