Anyone who doesnt own a car yet will understand this.... I don't drive yet (keyword: yet) and tend to walk places. It takes 30 mins to walk to school and takes 15 to my favorite restaurant. Takes me 2 hours to walk to my parents outta town. All the while PEOPLE ARE LOOKING at me from within their vehicles. They sometimes stare too like 'Wtf? Is he crazy?' It's annoying. To me at least anyways. I'm always like 'WHY THE HELL YOU LOOKING AT ME FOR?!?' At least thats what I wanna say. A couple days ago, me and my roommate were walking to McDonald's solely for the free refills (My record of refills: 8, his record: 3) I only stopped at 8 is because my iPod is dying and must go home to charge. So I walk back. And so continues staring. What would YOU/DO say if you were walking and people look at you like you were crazy? Btw, today I am going to my parents house.
One time, when I was walking on the highway, someone tried to grab me while they were in their vehicle. I only saw their upper torso hanging out the window. All I could think was 'What. Just. Happened?' Such is the life of a person who walks....
I would've been like " Dude -_- WTF?!!?" and maybe " Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!" In overall I'll just be pissed off the whole way home.
I would've pulled out my thunder gun and... What? You meant real life? I'm not sure then. Way to ruin my joke.
I like walking! Running is better! Besides, I have no interest in driving, even if I may own a driver's license. I'd rather be chauffeured around. Or walk or run. Having some alone time in the outdoors is nice. I don't care how people look at me. It's how I live the life that pleases me that matters in the long run.
Sure you may! Oh and just to clarify. When I said "living the life that pleases you that matters", I don't mean doing EVERY single thing one likes even though it is obviously ethically and morally wrong. Take the abusing of drugs for example. Some people enjoys it, but it doesn't make it right.
Hey Matt, you know cars are bad for the environment. Walking is better, it is a great way to exercise and it helps the Earth a teeny-weeny bit! If I were you, I'd just stare at them like "I don't give a shit about what you think" and carry on.
If it makes you feel better, i ride a public vehicle and the road is like a dust storm. Why? I don't know how to drive yet so I can't use the car T_T