Pet peeves?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Another one of my pet peeve is when your talking to someone and they just drone on and on and you wanna leave but you respect them
  2. When people don't yield in traffic -.-

    Or when cars won't stop on the crosswalk. (in my state it's a state law that you must stop for pedestrians if the street has no traffic lights)
  3. Oh yeah, another one is when your sleeping and someone rudely wakes you up for something unimportant.
  4. When someone touchés me on thé bus :0 its like...dude i gotta go to work, dont Want your grimey sweat on me 
  5. 1) Chewing with your mouth open ( sometimes they chew in my ear )
    2) People picking there nose 
    3) People who form cliques because they think there better
  6. CHOPSTICKS!!!!! how the heck do ya use them???!!!???
  7. Another pet peeve of mine is when people copy >.>
  8. I hate three things:

    1) Peopl who can't spell.

    2) People who can't count.

  9. When I am trying to cross the street to go to school and the people driving make me stand there for 5 minutes and stare at me like i'm an idiot when I'm just standing at the crosswalk 
  10. When I'm walking several blocks and people look at me from within their cars like I'm crazy lop
  11. Lol* plus failing at typing 
  12. When at Costco when I get a sample the people look at you like they bought the samples
  13. When people make a thread about being pissed at the mods for being silenced...when it was really their faut.
  14. People in my fucking class who start an argument with me about my right of speech then walk away when they know they lost the fight.

    Two timing bitch faces who use you then throw you away then act like they're your BFFs the other day. God, this world is full of them. D:

    Idiots who act stupid then start a fight when they've already lost because they've got no balls to admit they did something wrong.

    Worst pet peeve of all time?

    Not being able to fucking own a pet.
  15. Players who asks for hire/volley when...

     They are obviously overpriced. All new players who are seeing this post, please know that your stats will do the hiring for you. If you're good enough, you will definitely be hired even without you asking. It may seem like easy cash right now, but in future, it is a mighty slow way of earning the dough. And if this is your main source of income, then sorry. You'll get bored very soon because no one wants you anymore.

     They do not consult their current pupil if he or she still wants them before asking for hire in campus. I call these players "gold-diggers". After they drain you of your cash, they move on to their next victim. They are fickle and they make tutor chats unreliable.


    Who am I to judge? Everyone in this world is different. And everyone has their own idea how this game is to be played. So who's "right" or "wrong" no one can say for sure.

    Yours Truly,

     Chill! Have a Bento Set! 
  16. Oh, and the fact I can't control myself when I'm starting an argument...

    I'm a stubborn cow. ._.

    and I never mean to say offensive things when a ceasefire is called. ,_,

    Pet peeves... Ah. ,_,
  17. When I have a pet, I'll call him peeves.
  18. Peeves. Teehee.
  19. Sound cute, don't ya think? 

    "Hey Peevey Peevey! Time for your dinner! Peevey! No! Bad boy! No bone for you!"
