Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Athazagoraphobia- (01), Apr 11, 2012.

  1. Okay, first of all, the title obviously explains this post. SPIDERS SCARE ME. Just everything about them. Their eyes, their texture(Pfft, not that I've ever touched a spider..cause' that'd just be weird) o_o ANYWAY, it seems like they just like creeping on people! You could be in your shower, getting ready to condition your hair and BAM, a spider appears like "Ohey, man. I know your like..pretty busy right now. But yanno, I'm just gonna chill here for a bit" and if you're anything like me, you'll..yanno...scream or freeze or just freak out. *Shivers* They creep me out SO MUCH. Meh. I guess they feel the need to chill in my house then. Still scary though. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Cap'n Skyler signing off.
  2. Truth  spiders scare me so much 
  3. Lol and so are you
  4. I think you just make threads so you can post pictures of yourself.

    I, my friend, am not complaining.

  5. I agree  No offense though
  6. I figures skyler would have a six pack tbh 
  7. @Geezzey, I'm a creep. In that case Ahem, *Clears throat* WEEEWOO WEEEWOO WEEEWOOO. 
  8.  This should be the time where question marks come in handy. .___. I meant, "I'm a creep?" 
  9. xD I remember when I thought I killed a spider, it was on my ceiling before I got into bed, so I ran away. Õ_õ
  10. Don't you dare touch my LVL 100 pikachu. Don't you DARE.
  11. Spider eyes are pretty freaky I however, don't mind spiders... I just don't like the ones (I call Halloween spiders) that are orange and black and have bubble butts

    What I like most is they eat other bugs ... My favorite is the tarantula.(they are big and fuzzy) when they crawl on you, their legs feel like little suction cups.. Kinda tickles
  12. Seriously? Nobody cares about that cute lightning pokemon? D:


    He's like one of my favorite pokemon... ;n;
  13. B-but by the time he's level 100, wouldn't he already evolved into a Raichu?...
  14. You use a thunderstone to evolve a pikachu. :3
  15. Besides, pikachu has dem whack moves I can use, fo sho'.
  16. Oh yeah, the thunderstone..totally forgot about that.
  17. OMG, I meant to put that with the "don't touch my level 100 Pikachu" o_o Well this is awkward.
  18. Where am i? When u make all these threads
  19. I don't know, but Claudia