Okay, first of all, the title obviously explains this post. SPIDERS SCARE ME. Just everything about them. Their eyes, their texture(Pfft, not that I've ever touched a spider..cause' that'd just be weird) o_o ANYWAY, it seems like they just like creeping on people! You could be in your shower, getting ready to condition your hair and BAM, a spider appears like "Ohey, man. I know your like..pretty busy right now. But yanno, I'm just gonna chill here for a bit" and if you're anything like me, you'll..yanno...scream or freeze or just freak out. *Shivers* They creep me out SO MUCH. Meh. I guess they feel the need to chill in my house then. Still scary though. Cap'n Skyler signing off.
I think you just make threads so you can post pictures of yourself. I, my friend, am not complaining. 83
xD I remember when I thought I killed a spider, it was on my ceiling before I got into bed, so I ran away. Õ_õ
Spider eyes are pretty freaky I however, don't mind spiders... I just don't like the ones (I call Halloween spiders) that are orange and black and have bubble butts What I like most is they eat other bugs ... My favorite is the tarantula.(they are big and fuzzy) when they crawl on you, their legs feel like little suction cups.. Kinda tickles
Seriously? Nobody cares about that cute lightning pokemon? D: DUDE, HOW CRUEL CAN YOU GET?! He's like one of my favorite pokemon... ;n;