poems to share

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by makaylaniana, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. I found my heart in a corner laying down crying. I found out the boy that I love was going home sighing. He never loved me any way,but I found him on he ground an he was crying
  2. I found my heart in a trash can dying if I cry any more I will start sighing if the boy that I love found me now I will start defining if he comes righ back what will I do I won't come home ever again till I start hiding
  3. You found your heart there? Mine was In a toilet cuz I ate burritos last night. Flushed me clean
  4. An Ode to Misery

    Ode to misery, thé slayer of souls,
    You slander me reckless, in thé deepest of holes,
    Oh i wish i could lié here, all alone in this pit
    But you Côme back to bite, when ive already been bit,
    And when i stop bleeding, thé saddest despair,
    You mâke me go crazy and tear out m'y haïr,
    And thé stress is just killing me, i must depict,
    For ive bitten m'y fingernails down to thé quick,
    Youre à cloud of more warry than à dying old maid,
    I havé Nothing to offer, no debt to be paid,
    How should i go on in your decietful appearance?
    I am rendered quite sallow, when i only Want clearance,
    And then comes à point under binding constitution,
    Where im brought to décision of à fatal solution,
    So ill throw back m'y head, down à bottle of pills,
    And hope its your présence, it finally kills...

  5. That took forever man:0