Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BeefSupreme (01), Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Hello, my name is BeefSupreme and I will be making this place my home for the next couple of weeks. I've already had some fun on 2 threads just now. So much cluelessness:)
    This place is so easily trollibl... I mean, so nice.
    Thanks for taking me in >:D
  2. FIrst and u are very welcome
  3. Shh beef
  4. 
       
  5. Shut up beef. I know I was trolled, but don't talk about it. 
  6. I LIKE YO FACES! Peace!
  7. Beef, u give me a good laugh. Now THAT'S how u forum.
  8. Instant Noodles, you troll. 
  9. 
  10. I dont like yours Annie
  11. Well... I better just go kill myself now
  12. Why?? You wont be able to be gratified with my presence
  13. More like I'd be missed. People bask in my glow daily.
  14. I dont 
  15. Well start now. It'll be a daily exercise soon
  17. Well that's a heepin bucket load of fail
  18. Yes, yes it was. 
  19. This will be on the top of the active threads list when I sleep..
    Boom. Easy