*facepalm* most people will say donate. But what would half of them probably actually do? Splurge on crap they don't need. Perhaps a brand new sports car? Or mabye an indoor pool? .-. If everyone would donate like these people say they would, there woul be no hunger or poverty. ._. Just saying.
I'd actually be smart with it. I'd take 250k and spend it for myself. I'd then take 500k and put it in the bank and save it and collect the interest on it. The other 250k I would use it to travel to disaster areas and help the people that I could. By either a place to stay, food for the month, or a few months of their house payed up so they could live in it and catch up on payments.
Shield, keep on dreaming. You'd probably bust the bullet in your own shoe instead of nailing me in the head with those trembly ass hands of yours. ._. Sniffy, REALLY?! :0 YESHIVA!
I would buy a time machine for 500k, then invest 500k in apple back in time lol. Creating more money, then, I would spend it wisely (not junk, but not donating.) cottage out in eild with solar and wind energy, then have a farm and garden for food. Maybe have a lake for fishing.
Someone made this thread weeks ago Anyway, I'd pay my boyfriend and our friends build me the house of my dreams, I'd get a new car (One fuel efficient), and maybe a truck. $100,000 will go into savings, and the rest I would put in my daughters bank account (for her college, first car, and whatever else) Also, I would do a little traveling and continue to work keep on making the cash flow
Truthfully, I'd give half of it to my mom, she's done so much for me and made me the man I am today and I want to help her so much. Then I'd give 100k to my dad, although he has helped, just not as much as my mom. Then 150k to the rest of my family split equally, then keep the rest for college and other necessities for myself, because in result I could be rich, and then I would donate that money, but that's a whole different story.
Well, I Would First, Put It In My Bank, Leave It For A While, Just To Get MORE Money Then I Would Buy My Dad This Caravan Thing Like From 'Meet The Fockers' After, I Would Buy My Mum A Holiday Home Then I Would Buy My Sister A New Life, She Really Needs One Then I Would Put The Rest Back In My Bank To Get More Money, Split It In Half, Give Half To Charity And Save The Rest For If I Go To Uni So Yeah =•.•=Miaa=•.•=
Ummm...honestly I wouldn't put any to charity(doesn't make me a bad person) Probably By A House A Car And Invest The Rest....Set Myself for the future before I actually start it...