Kid or Drunk

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by th3_uns33n_m4gik4rp_hunt3r, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Now this is an old game but, someone says something, and other people have to guy wether they were a kid, or drunk, it can be made up but has to be realistic, that person goes first 
  2. Ok I still don't really get how you play, but anyway  I was first yay!
  3. No clue 
  4. Ok, I stole a car and almost hit an old lady on the highway, kid or drunk?
  5. Woops fail...
  6. Ok people on this game fail  can't even play a simple game
  7. I'm sorry I'm stupid. 
  8. Your just trying to get me silenced by making it look like I called you stupid aren't you?
  9. .............. I was sarcastic. Chill out . But if you say so, Yes.
  10. I was being**
  11. I was joking man, lighten up
  12. Fine then, leave my thread
  13. Should I let this die 
  14. Yes neph please do
  15. ... One day, we piled up a bunch of dried pine needles and caught the ball field on fire
  16. Fail thread much.