Please read completely :| I will appreciate it if ou read it completely An yes its long... So this is how it all started... I was looking at the AppStore and I saw this app that was from the creators of KAW and I said to my self "wow kaw is a lame app but this seems to b better, I'll give it a try." I downloaded the app as soon as I started and put my username as Hill my journey started... There I saw on the campus chat ( notification: the club Zeta Beta Tau has been created-) I didn't pay atencion I went and started kicking some donkey at the game and I thought "I need a club", so I went back to the campus chat and saw the notification as soon as I saw that I went and searched for that club (took a while for me to discover how to search for clubs) then I alplied. When I got accepted I started to chat there I met a few people lady nova, ninz sizzle (i think), mikey, kdog (|__ZEUSS__|), Sophia and more people... I met the creator too... I noticed I was a noob so I started asking about every thing they talked about on chat that i didnt know about (vollies, farming etc.) then I made friends with Sofia we where best friends, we loved each other (m8t love)... Sofia and I were noobies so we were making goals so we could do a "race" "the first one to the top ten on the club wins" i said... "That's gonna take a while" Sophia replied to me.. It took weeks for us to get to the top 30... When I got to the top ten I was glad that Sophie was the number 11 and o was 10 but the creator of the club lost her iPod and told his friend to tell us to move to the sub club (zbt)... Weeks passed and Sophia and I where planning to make a club but we didnt have that much money so we had to w8t then Moonshadow (a zbt leader) decided to leave the sub club and do another one it was called Xanadu we all went there we didn't want to devide ourselves Zeta Beta Tau was a family we where all stuck together... Months passed and Sophia got the cash so we could do a club, so I became co owner at the club ART (Sofias club). we failed and I missed my pals at Xanadu but I had to go on. Then I noticed another Zeta Beta Tau club mate made a club so I went to help her, she was oslin I helped and helped and started to look at the forums there I met all of u guys that are in the forums... But mostly chewbacca we decided to make something bog for the forums, something that could amaze every one and he said that it was gonna be called the Weekly Implosion! I we all divided our sections I got the entertainment and he got the rest but the day of the realease on the forums I wasn't there I had lost my IPod for three weeks on the third week chewbacca left PIMD so I decided to keep his plan and I did the 2nd issue is gonna be out this week now Sophia ( i met her on forums) helps me with the 2nd issue and we are doing great... ______________________ Continue... Since the club the forumers was dissbanned I've Decided to stop being on forums all the time and give some time to my stats... Yea it's hard I don't even remember the last time I upgraded my stats... I've been repeating the last job and i do like 1 and half mil each day... I even visited my good old group Xanadu and as I expected I was recieved like if all that time out of that club never passed... I told them about my PIMD life most told me they don't leave their club but they still merc... Got the news that some of my good old friends left without saying good bye, I laughed and felt bad. I knew I was back on the road and that I was gonna keep going from group to group... This journey isn't ending until I say so... _______________________ I totally failed at upgrading my stats... Yea I know, I didn't expect I would give up that fast... I made a club named "the forumers", yea I did the copy of th one that was disband so anyways I did it because the forums are still the only thing that keeps me here in PIMD besides all my good friends here... The club got full of new and old forumers, time passed and most members decided to do what I wanted to do, upgrade. only three or two members stayed at the club... since that happened I was still on forums... Sadie and I started doing stories at fan fic she stills updates her story.. I dont. Why? [just incase I know you read this say "dot" when you post and yes I took the idea from the "potato" thing credits to that person . ________________________ Because since summer has ended I don't have much time to spend here. Most forumers of my time left to other third party apps... And everytime I look at forums I see this new people and I just don't feel the same... so ill decide to restart to post on forums someday when I feel like restarting everything again and by that I mean meeting new people and being recognized by others as an "forumer" _____________________ That time has come from now on I will be on forums a bit more and all that... Since the last time I told about my pimd life I kept doing nothing on pimd... I came back to pimd a few days ago and left the club " Joined Xanadu again so I could raise my stats like never before... I got to admit I never put so much effort to it like this time, ladynova and look-thearchangel help me to understand that volleying people helps you get money... I never knew that o.o I just did jobs and I was always fighting.. I felt like a mayor noob... All this time and I never knew that volleying could help you ALOT... Now that I know that I can fix my stats faster I'll put more effort to it and I'll be on forums a bit more... I'll keep updating this PIMD story so I'll post this thread when I have some other things to sat about me... Each line means that alot of time had passed since I last updated the story... -Hill
Mocking jay- no I didn't now I know XD I noticed I Was really on forums and never wanted o learn how the game really worked... But now I'll do the best on both things forums and game... Ps. Thanks for reading
Sooo when we started doing our stories.. I loved that. But like you quit updating them and I slowly quit and now I just give up but good times.
Does . Work instead?!? Or do we have to dot? and wooooww long story. But interestinger than mine :,)