Forum Family

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aeradess, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Do I count as famous?
  2. I think u are. Idk lol i dont rite?
  3. What about me?!?!? 
  4. Hi I'm Kelli 
  5. no one really knows me so I'm just stopping by to say hello and introduce myself so I'm Kelli, just like I already said
  6. I am an original, been hère over à year, just came back, if you dont Remember---youre à noob so stfu

  7. hi I'm Alice nice to meet you
  8. Ooo let's use BB codes to demonstrate how 1337 and skilled we are with the way of the forums!
  9. The whole 'awesome forumer' thing annoys me. I haven't met one 'awesome forumer' that I'd consider awesome. I've met some awesome forum trolls who have sadly departed 
  10. 1m m0r3 1337 den u f001
  11. **i have however seen some posts from 'awesome forumers' and thought, wow, if this was awesome forums then in quite glad that they've changed.....
  12. Agreed casp. Except that I think of myself as a gift to humanity of course.

    Jk 
  13. Lmao nina
  14. I love noobs check my wall
  15. Chance, writing on your own wall doesn't make you cool