Ways to tell you play Pimd too much

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightingCactus, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. When you turn your iPod back on, go to cc and see that you only posted "43 seconds ago."
  2. When you try using BB codes on your essays for school -.-

    My teacher was so mad
  3. When you drive down the road and see a sign that says 70mph, but read it 70kcs
  4. When u use pimd at night even tho ur parents think they took ur iPod. 
  5. There's already been a thread like this... But... You play too much when

    •You take excessive breaks (at work) to join cc or farm

    •You tell your supervisor you're taking a day off cause you got war

    •it's the first thing you do in the morning, and last thing you do before bed

    •When PimD sleeps in between you and your boyfriend

    ...true story
  6. When u punch somebody in the face and say "what did I do!?"
  7. 
  8. When you go all over your room looking for speakers...