Pupil thanks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SIimShady, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. This is a fourm to write a thx to your pupil and a reason you want to tell them thx.....thanks eclipse for always keeping tuts after I volley.... See easy now it is your turn!
  2. Thanks i-Tinks for volleying me from 5Kcs to my current status 
  3. Also to eclipse for helping me upgrade and not letting jerks hire me lol! you rock eclipse
  4. Your very welcome zack it's the good ppl like u that make this game enjoyable for me. Love all my active tutors! They're great ppl
  5. Tanks yuna for becoming poor so I can be rich
  6. I'm really thankfull that you came along and hired me. Than said come to my club. After I went to her club. She made me reach 400 million dollars. By her club volleys. You are the best yuna. Thank u so much for everything that you done.
  7. Damn cut off - right again - com
  8.  keeps cutting off  - com
  9. Don't put the and sign
  10. Olivia <3 Best pupil and friend.
  11. com and holly (a double pupil team lol) I never asked for help but they have gone out of their way to help me and be there for me and get me stronger then I've ever been on here they are truly wonderful friends - love both you guys 
  12. Yay 4th time lucky  
  13. You are welcome spank!! You a great friend n I'll do all I can for ya!! Luv ya to bro thank u!!!
  14.  Spank. You made me cry. Seriously. You know we love you and will do anything for you  always and as for my pupil I don't know where I would be without him he is truly amazing and has helped me in so many ways. Thanks Hun for all that you do and have done
  15. There y'all go spread the love
  16. My pupil is Amazing!! She has helped me time and time again Thelovelydeaddolls Aka BeanYparadise
  17. Thank You Harmelicious for guiding me through the beginning of the game If we never met, I'd probably still be farming John and wouldn't have met such a great family... Unknown Infinity

    Thanks to you Julie (Princess-of-Blue) for accepting me in your club, Cucaro Blue It's been a while, but it was nice getting to know you Maybe we meet one day at "Gathering of the Vibes" EAST COAST

    Also, I would like to give thanks to max-cady-of-blue for keeping me as his current pupil (and for taking me back when I was hired) You don't come out and talk much, though I am sure you're a wonderful guy

    I am glad to have met the 3 of you you all have changed my PimD mentality If we never crossed paths, I could only imagine...I'd probably be a bitter farmer

    ... Or a beggar... Begging to be hired on campus J/K on that
  18. Thanks to J31!!!
  19. I would like to thank mommy(holly) she is the best pupil anyone can ever have I love her with all my heart she's very special to melove u mommy  n daddy (com) i kno u havent been my pupil  but i bet ur one of the best love u daddy! n I would also thank Winn for being an amazing pupil  and also the best role model I ever had love ya winn I love all my pupils that I have had since I started the game  too bad u can only have one 
    Love u all!!