The New Age

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXDankXx, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. 2212. The Earth has somehow been spared by the Sun's harmful explosion when it died out. The death of the sun has left scars on the humans of Earth. Only the little small star it left in it wake, which means limited light, which means limited food, which equals death for many. Humans have some theories on how the Earth was spared: there were visitors that entered everyone's dreams and left memories of the future. It was a big story throughout the news and beyond up until the future actually came. People still think the visitors are there with them. Reports if over one thousand have been turned in.
    In this new world only the strong and prosperous will survive. This story focuses on a boy that learned to become a man in his 15 years of living, he has friends to help him. Their goal is to get through the week unharmed, and only worry about themselves and the group.
  2. Lyn walked outside of his makeshift house. He peered up at the sky and saw the small sun he grew up to know. "Useless," he looked around the dark poorly lit wasteland "Grow big like the stories say you were." Lyn took a cigarette and popped it into his mouth, he puffed out a breath of smoke "Electronic." He inhaled deeply pulling back the smoke into his mouth. He stuffed a hand into his pocket and brought out a small flashlight, flipped it on and flashed it around, the bright light detailed the ground and rocks. He walked toward a box, tugged off the top and grabbed a rifle with a snagged on knife. He latched the light under the barrel of the gun and went back into his makeshift house. There were bodies laying in bed, lining up the sides if the house. He went to a person sleeping in the middle bunk and tapped on the person's shoulder. "Jason" he whispered, "wake up we're going hunting."
    Jason stirred awake and slowly slid off the bed, landing on his feet, he went to a closet and put on some heavy looking clothes. He peered at Lyn, his heavy dreads covered most of his face, he wore a big opened black jacket with a grey Long John inside, his pants were baggy and his shoes were old Fire Man boots. All Jason had was a floppy mat of black hair, a skinny wind break with a long sleeves t-shirt, skinny jeans with holes in them(under that was shorts), and sandals with heavy socks underneath. His clothes kept him warm so he didn't care that much. He went outside with Lyn and dug through a duffle bag and took out two handguns with silencers on it. Lyn took some ammo and gave some to Jason. They walked along a rocky trail, heading to a spared patch of woods.
  3. Lyn and Jason sticked close. Ever since the death of the original sun weird things happened to the animals. They all fused together or they were introduced to evolution. Lyn and Jason are the best hunter and fighters in their group. It was proven when a gang of adults tried to bully them into giving up their land and belongings, and they brought the most food when the groups went to go search. It could be because of that theyre lazy and figured they bring all the food anyways...possibilities. "Jason," Lyn looked at him. Jason nodded and headed off to the side of the woods. Lyn took the front and hefted his rifle under his armpit and peered through the wide-ranged scope. The hairs on his neck stood up, he always gets that feeling of fear and excitement. Lyn sniffed the air and the smell of blood filled his senses. "Grothen." Lyn rushed off in the direction of the smell and found a dead body of a humanoid with long teeth poking out from it's lips and hairs covering it's body. Lyn slowly moved towards it and stabbed it's head with the knife end of his gun, the thing buckled and screeched before slowly going still. "Damn things would think old trick would go...old...?" Lyn grabbed it's head and dragged it behind a tree "Jason found anything else?" Lyn asked looking up a tree.
    "Nah," Jason we crouched down on a tree limb "only birds, too small of a target for me to shoot down." Lyn nodded in agreement, and popped off the knife and started sawing off the teeth.
    "Grothen?" Jason asked.
    "Nope, Ling." Lyn ripped off a patch of hair, still sawing at the Ling's teeth.
    Jason saw trees being moved forcefully to the side, something grey and hulking was heading their way. "Only about...50 yards away," Jason looked down at Lyn "somethin big is coming."
  4. "Nah," Jason was<--sorry for the epic fail of a typo lol
  5. "Grothen this time," Lyn stood up and strapped the knife back onto his gun, Jason hopped down beside Lyn. "Ready?" Jason let out a huge breath, for a twelve year old he was pretty tough.
    "Yeah!" Lyn pumped himself up and levered his rifle in front of him "Lets kick some ass!" Lyn ran forward, Jason, with his pistols, followed closely behind him. "Just imagine how many day we could feed our crew with this Grothen?!" Lyn made Jason get hyped up too, thats probably why they made him head of their group, that and his physical prowess. Lyn saw the lumbering Rhino-Bear (the Grothen), knock trees to the side and mash small creatures, that were stupid enough to cross it's path. It roared at the two approaching small figures. Pain settled in to his left eye, then to his right. He was blind. He heard shouts then more pain leveled with him. A sharp object finally penetrated his armored skin and got to his heart.
    "HELL YEAH!" Lyn and Jason shouted "how the hell we suppose to bring it back in time with just the two of us?" Jason questioned.
    "Damn thats right huh?" Lyn thought for a second "Go get Shar and Char they'll be glad to help us out."
    "Gotcha," Jason rushed to their camp site. Lyn dragged the Ling's body and flopped it ontop of the Groth's body, he then climbed a tree high enough until he was in a good cover location. Full of thick green and brown leaves. He scanned the area for scavenger animals or humans. No one was giing to ruin this bug meal he has taken down.
  6. Jason made it to the campsite. It was very active now that people were starting to wake up. He walked past a girl that was trying to get his attention, and headed straight into the makeshift house. He sees a little boy(around the age of 5) packing up what seemed to be pajamas "Have you seen Shar and Char?"
    The little boy shook his head.
    "Damn, well ask around for me I have to go back to Lyn." Jason walked out of the house and continued to look around while, at the same time, heading back to Lyn.

    Lyn was sweating. His brown skin felt tight against his body, "Dammit Jason, hurry up...." Lyn let out a breath and shifted the gun on shoulder into a comfortable position.

    Shar and Char ran up to Jason, "Yo!" They said in unison. Jason turned to look at the two, opposite sex, twins. "Lyn needs our help moving the food we killed," Jason continued to moved towards the forest "wanna help?"
    "YES!" Char held a thumbs up and Shar put up the OK sign. Jason and the twins set off for Lyn.

    Lyn was growing tired of waiting, he hopped down off the tree branch and landed next to the corpses. He grabbed them both by a tuft of hair and heaved. Only moved an inch forward. Lyn didnt give up and kept pulling.
  7. Lyn felt nauseous, the smell of the rotting dead bodies filling his nostrils. "God dammit Jason..." He was getting angry every second he spent with the bodies. These bodies were rotting faster than others, couldve been to protect...honor? Or something Lyn didnt know. In the world you have to be strong, so Lyn ignored the smell and the pain of pulling the heavy bodies, and continued his trek up the giant slope to his camp.

    Jason and the twins ran/slid down the mountian, Jason could see Lyn, the shadows of the trees made him hard to see for the twins, but Jason knew. "Lyn!" He called out. Lyn looked up and saw Jason and the twins, he held up the middle finger along with his thumb. That symbolized serious hate. "Dammit," Jason and the twins said in unison "he's pissed." They finally made it to Lyn, he let the corpses fall and hurried past them. "Yeah ok ya know we got," Jason said and took the one of the corpses, the twins took the other. They followed Lyn up the slope and to their camp. "You guys and whoever you pick to help, are cooking today." Lyn said slightly with 'pissed' in his voice.
    "Yeah," the twins and Jason said, once again, in unison. They had no problem with that Lyn tried to pull two heavy, nasty smelling, corpses up a large slope. Thats why he was their leader, a hard worker and give equal punishment.

    Now you might think cooking the food is simple enough, its not. You have to look out for other hungry animals out there, waiting in the dark. The dark...the tiny moon to help them see.
  8. Shar and Char were around a fire poking it. Flames separated from its source of power and dies out with every poke. Jason kept watch with his two handguns at the ready, they had brung two others, Ka'tor and Jessie. Ka'tor was a good cook and a good fighter, Jessie was really good looking that she made Jason afraid to ask her to help him out, but beside that she was good with a sniper. "Its cold," Jessie said to Jason, they were standing together looking across the darkened plain. "Yeah" Jason said feeling himself get a little red.
    "So um...does Lyn ever talk to you?" She said a little hesitant.
    "Huh? Yeah we're bestfriends." Jason said smiling.
    "Oh...does he ever talk about me?" She asked shifting her gun to the left, she was talking the whole time looking through her scope. "Uh..." he felt a little sad, this whole time he's been crushing on her and she likes Lyn. "No he doesnt, you know Lyn he's too serious to notice when someone wants him," he smiled and rubbed his head "Lyn has always been like that."
    "Oh..." she sounded a little disapointed but her body language showed no anger or sadness.

    Shar, Char and Ka'tor were slow cooking the meat, Shar found it funny how the maggots infesting the dead body would wiggle out and fall in the flames, Char found it disturbing how such small things could make such penetrating screams. Ka'tor stood up "You two watch the food, if the food catches on fire tell me," he said and walked to where Jason is. "Hey I'm gonna go back to the camp and get some stuff." Jason nodded at him and Ka'tor left.
    Jason took out a pack of cigerretts; lit one up, and popped it in his mouth. "This is taking too long," he exhaled a puff of smoke.
    "When did you start smoking?" Jessie asked.
    "Right now" he smirked "snuck em from Lyn's personal box." Just as he said that he heard a scream. "The hell?" Shar and Char were next to them in minutes. "What was that?" They said.
    "Dont know but its none of our business," Jason said.
    "What if thats Ka'tor?" Char asked.
    "Ka'tor didnt go that way, so its not him." Jessie said.
    "Go back to cooking," Jason said, "but douse the flames a little."
  9. Ka'tor was running. Fast. Ever since he heard that scream, and the body...that body. He shoved the memory to the back of his brain, "Just run!" He yelled at himself, Ka'tor was sprinting fast. He could see the campsite up head, it had a faint glow to it. 'They must be burning candles' Ka'tor thought. The hairs on his neck stood up, something caused that scream and was coming after him, he could feel it. "Dammit dammit dammit..." the campsite was far off, why didnt it feel that way. Just then his leg snapped. "Dammit!" He fell hard on the rocky terrain. His leg was broke but his adrenaline eased the pain a little. He crawled fast. But something, huge, was blocking his path. It let out a huge breath. "You like your legs kid?" Its rough voice said.
    " broke my leg?" Ka'tor looked up and saw a giant, blacked out, figure with a cane in one hand. "Yep sure did kid."
    "Magic" The man said tapping what Ka'tor could make out as a head.
    "Now I need you to do something for me," the man kneeled down.
    "What?" Ka'tor was in serious trouble.
    "Tell your kin that their property is now mine."
    "What!?" Ka'tor was pissed someone unknown is claiming their land already. "James will destroy you!"
    "Who?" The man asked genuinely confused.
    "Our leader he'll kill you before you claim our land!" Ka'tor spat at what he thought was the man's face, he was right. The man wiped his face off. "So you wont tell them?"
    "Like hell I wont!"
    "Fine then," the man stood up, he hovered his cane over Ka'tor face "goodbye then." He slammed the cane on Ka'tor's mouth, breaking his teeth; then smashing everything in his throat. Ka'tor died in seconds. "Damn kids these days, wont even listen to their elders."
  10.  lol