Picture Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rosalie-Angel, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Yeah. Max dude has issues 
  2. Aeradess  Did I spell it right?  But um.. I don't know 

    Lol it's just us  Girl power 
  3. Hey what's up people 
  4. Lol well I guess not now 

    Hello childrens  Bahaha  Just kidding 
  5. I don't have issues!
  6. I do 

    Just kidding, again
  7.  me too
  8. Oh my 0.0 yea you spelled it right Rawrz:)

    But please, call me Miss Sammy Sweetheart  its easier to spell..well the Sammy part is.

    It seems we have many anew. Hello all!!
  9.  Hey Sammy sweet heart
  10. Wish I didn't  lol but I do *le sigh* 
  11. Lol and you can call me nicole  it gets awkward when people call me Rawr o_O
  12. PANDA!!! 

  13. 
  14. New busy is back. 
  15. @aeradess awsome! Haha :D
  16. Ash, your really pretty