I don't see the difference..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Athazagoraphobia- (01), Apr 1, 2012.

  1. God damn my forbidden illiterate typos 
  2. Roy, don't say religion is crap. I'm religious and that wasn't called for. Religion doesn't have to have a basis, you rely on faith. ._.
  3. wow

    Did he just say religion is crap......
  4. Just don't pull me into a religious argument unless it's necessary.
  5. Ya..

    Everyone has their own opinion when It comes to things like that.

    Just like I have mine on this
  6. Opinions aren't needed when they go overboard. You could've made it less harsh and more modest.
  7. Exactly. My opinion is that religion is crap. Because I prefer to believe in fact over fiction and blind faith. Just my opinion. Don't have to get mad over it.
  8. Blizzy shut the hell up!!!
  9. And yes I should have kept some of my biased comments to myself,

    but op could have done the same -.- js
  10. Famousdude55

    go swallow a frozen porcupine, then take your ass back to noob land and suck on a cactus
  11. Lmao. Dude, I thank you for your obsession with me, but I don't want a creepy pedophile to think of me whenever they're asleep. 
  12. Roy, I'm not mad, it's just that what you said went slightly overboard. I can respect your opinion though.

  13. Lol. I don't think it's bad for anyone to be religious, I just find it laughable when it's valued over science is all.
  14.  I did say I knew I was going to get hateful comments. Yet, I also said it was fine since everyone has their own opnion. Yeah. *Doesn't care*
  15. If you "didn't care" you shouldn't have felt the need to express you're feelings to others in the first place
  16. *Still doesn't care* I have the right to express my feelings. So why wouldn't I? Plus I SUPPORT the LGBT community. As well as pansexuals, transgenders, etc. Muahahaha. I totally know your going to type something negative about this comment. Meh, you're wasting your time. e_e 
  17. Skyler I think it's great that you don't mind what sexuality people are.
  18. If you hated Skylers opinion so much than you wouldn't have commented, and everyone else's to