Picture Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rosalie-Angel, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Aww..I want your a puppyso damn cute
  2. I remember when I was nothing more then a ppp

    Just like you guys
  3. Picture
  4. You weren't a ppp. You were worse. 
  5. Don't remind me
  6. that puppy is so adorable 
  7. Hey, look at the bright side, you're still an egotistical person who has grammarical problems. 

    Just kidding... Hopefully. 
  8. *grammatical >:I
  9.  bashed your own bash chloe
  10. That's a spelling error, bro. 
  11. [​IMG]

    ^_^ me n my kings snap back hat
  12. I would post a pic but I cba to update my iPod as I haven't for at least a year 


    Hey Chloe and hello to others idk 
  13. [​IMG]
    Sorry if it's huge :O
  14. Couldn't resist. 
  15. How do you edit like that?is it an app?:0