Picture Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rosalie-Angel, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Hey what's up hexin in and everyone else 
  2. I've gtg, see you Dude, Rawr, Ashley! 
  3. Later Hexin. The is the time of the hour biys go to bed and the real men come out. 
  4. Bye Hex 
  5. Ashley  lmao
  6. Later hex.  Ashley
  7. Real men hahahahahha .

    Anyways i'd like to call attention to a matter 
  8. The double standard women put on men.

    They say they want equal rights and then they say you cant hit me im a girl.

    Its like whaaaaa ???
  9. My Spanish teacher went to England and said 'Pants' a billion times and a bunch of British women started screaming
  10. [​IMG]

    I wish I was the puppy. I'd be cuter. 
  11. Aww the puppy is so cute!