I know, it was penned by man, written by God. That is what the bible says. (2Timothy 3:16). And yes the bible was written before and after Jesus was around. (ie Moses wrote the law)
Anyway, I am not going to get anywhere by a forum. So you can go ahead and believe what you want. You have a free will. Good day. Anymore debate I'll take in pm
No contradictions? An eye for an eye Give the other cheek who never sinned may throw the first rock The lord will punish all sinners ... Should I keep going? I was raised catholic, and did all my studies... When I grew up I decided to study other religions too... So not only to I know the bible, but I also know the other holly books...
I've always supported these things. It's your choice on who you are. Although I do like the opposite gender, I have plenty of friends who like the same gender and I dont treat them any different. You can do whatever you like in the world but never allow anyone bring you down. For some reason I myself, get angry when I hear people being so negative about homosexuals, pansexuals, transgendered, etc. If it doesn't concern you, then why involve yourself into it? Allow people to be who they want to be.
I just want everything to be okay between everyone. I want people to see that yeah, gay men do like other men, yeah, maybe transgenders like to dress like their opposite gender. BUT WHO CARES? Can't humans just be normal and NOT hate eachother for what they believe in, or what their opinion may be?
Damn dude!! I support you!! But I'm straight and I respect every kind of sexual nature but the friend zone is my limit
I honestly believe that if someone is attracted to someone, so be it. It's not up to us who they are attracted to, it's their choice. I don't care if a someone is attracted to the same sex or the opposite sex or a person who is both a male and female... it's honestly their decision...
As long as they are happy. we don't have a right to judge them or make fun of them just because of their sexual preferences.