You want me to apologize for not knowing he asked her to hire him? You want me to apologize for not knowing that they knew each other and that he had asked her to hire him? I think not. I refuse to apologize for trusting people. And one thought to tell me this BEFORE I got farmed? Really?
And this isn't bullshit. Don't call me for bullshit when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
On. My. Wall. I. Did not. See. The. Messages. Because. I. Did not get. The number thingys. Ive said that thrice!
Personally I think you two ate both over reacting at nothing. Azarah: Stop whining and accept your punishment. Olivia: Necsisary to make a thread? I think not. This is what pm is for.
Finally, you keep trying to hit me with dates. Coincidentally, this happened two days ago. The same day as the glitch was fixed.
To those of you hatin' on Olivia for telling her side of the story, quit hatin'! At least now we know the whole picture. But I do agree that this squabble is over something very mediocre. They'll have to sort this issue out themselves now, no point in having an audience anyways.