Happy Birthday To You! 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MariGiggity, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. I am taking up this wittle wittle piece of forum space to wish a very very very VERYYYY happy birthday to my fireman xXx_Fire_Sensei_xXx! 

    What's not to love about you? You're funny and random and adorable and so cute when you're pissed.  I love being with you. And the added bonus, you save lives.  I'm so happy to be yours. And I hope your birthday is amazing!  I love you.

    Happy Birthday Aaron. 

  3.  Are you from Jillys room?
  4. why yes I am. 
  5. Shhhh Kat that's top secret info Happy Birthday Aaron!!!!!!
  6. Mari!<3Hey.
  7. SIRJOE! 
  8. 
  9. Happy Birthday Aaron.....and Lady Gaga :D
  10.  IM SORRY! I didn't know!  And I'm Kitty Kat btw
  11. Oh!  hello!
  12.  loool I know who you are 
  13.  No you don't 
  14. Maribaby!!! 