If I was very very dumb or a female I would know. I am neither dumb nor a female. So get your facts straight reaper. You obviously know nothing about me so the best thing for you to do is shut your big mouth.
I am actually not a female reaper. Get it right. Just because my avatar is a female that does not mean I am a female you dumbass! Look at Bosen, bosen is a female with a male avatar. Gonna call her a male huh? No, I thought not.
One more category: The worst mod in PIMD. two were nominated:Mindy and darkrose. The votes are in and the award goes to.....................Darkrose
God damn, obsessed? It's reversed, you pitiful scumbag. Everything I say, you criticise and then generalize. I'd be damned if the whole world doesn't hate you. Oh God, the constant nagging was much needed, bitch.
People love me and the only one who hate me are the weak punks I picked on. I like how you act grown,we both know you still wet your bed.little girl, stop being obsessed with me
Reaper, you are spamming and causing conflict in my thread, please do not continue to post and no one talk about him.