PimD Spring 2012 SuperlativesVoting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Mar 27, 2012.

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  1. If I was very very dumb or a female I would know.

    I am neither dumb nor a female.

    So get your facts straight reaper. 

    You obviously know nothing about me so the best thing for you to do is shut your big mouth. 
  2. What you gonna do if I don't? Sniper me with your water gun 
  3. You obviously haven't seen my Barrett M99, Walther WA2000 or Chey-Tac Intervention.
  4. Fail troll much reaper?
  5. Says cookie the female sniper 
  6. Correction,the first and only female sniper 
  7. I am actually not a female reaper.

    Get it right. 

    Just because my avatar is a female that does not mean I am a female you dumbass!

    Look at Bosen, bosen is a female with a male avatar. Gonna call her a male huh? No, I thought not. 
  8. One more category: The worst mod in PIMD. two were nominated:Mindy and darkrose. The votes are in and the award goes to.....................Darkrose  
  9. I hope this thread wont be locked.I'm having so much fun 
  10. I don't know so I won't comment on him/her.what about the name cookie? It's very feminine
  11. Oh God, no wonder everybody doesn't give two shits about you, Reaper. 
  12. It's the opposite little girl,people are obsessed with me starting with you.
  13. God damn, obsessed? It's reversed, you pitiful scumbag. 

    Everything I say, you criticise and then generalize. 

    I'd be damned if the whole world doesn't hate you. Oh God, the constant nagging was much needed, bitch. 
  14. People love me and the only one who hate me are the weak punks I picked on. I like how you act grown,we both know you still wet your bed.little girl, stop being obsessed with me 
  15. Reaper: Stop trolling you ass
  16. Katelyn:
  17. New club designs:



  18. Reaper, you are spamming and causing conflict in my thread, please do not continue to post and no one talk about him.
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