PimD Spring 2012 SuperlativesVoting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Mar 27, 2012.

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  1. Teehee. Fuse.
  2. Biggest flirt would be

    Win-TER_Blizzard 
  3. What do you know about flirting? You're 10. This just sick and disturbing. You're acting like grown up and you shouldn't be allowed to play this game.
  4. I will bet that she is typing a 2 page response right now 
  5. Cookie, are you stupid
  6. No, I am not stupid unlike you reaper. 
  7. So you can talk . I thought you were very special
  8. There is a massive difference between talking and texting/typing. 
  9. So is that yes on you can talk?
  10. If I couldn't talk then why am I a former military sniper?  please explain.
  11. Reaper, so basically, what you are saying is that you think all people under the age of 12 should not be educated?

    My dear sir, you disgrace humanity with such ignominious words.
  12. Sick and disturbing?

    Here's something which makes you a total indignified jackass.

    You told me to cut myself.

    What? Is humanity lacking insults and comebacks that they should become lowlifes and discriminate against others?

    You, sir, are a cow.
  13. Cookie, I know it's a game but you don't have to lie to me. There is no women snipers 

    Blizzy, being here is not educational,stay in school. I only said you like to cut some cheese.And that's alright with me if it's your thing.
  14. More categories...
    1.individual awards
    1.Coolest person in PIMD:Sakuri
    2.bravest person:College
    3.most feared: Grand-Reaper
    4.biggest liar: it was a close one between two Addiction members, but the biggest liar award goes to: AC-slater (sp)?for making up bogus war stats to feel better about his club 


    1.Wimpiest Club:Addiction..why? A number 4 in the VIP and they're losing to two people 

    2.Scariest club:Death Squad..our enemies lose sleep when they're getting farmed.it's ok addiction you guys can go to bed now 
  15. Reaper, get your facts right. 

    I am a male you stupid person.
  16.  are you sure? Because you have a female avatar you idiot
  17. I know I have a female avatar.

    That doesn't mean I'm a female dumbass. 
  18. Your name is cookie and you have a female avatar,you must be a girl or you're very very, DUMB.
  19. Military sniper,cool story bro 
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