do you think 2012 is the end of the world?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PIMD_Cutie4U, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Screw the zombies, like I said, Michael Jackson will be zapped back to Earth with a bunch of other souls taking over human bodies then dougie. I'm pretty sure Jesus will come barging down from the clouds riding on a dinosaur wearing pimp shades and bling bling. ._.

  2. ::throws cookie a shotgun::
  3. Zombies are already real, I think. Voodoo science crap?

    Pluto's classified as a dwarf planet. It's not orbiting on the same tilt as the other planets or whatever... There'd 2 or 3 other dwarf olanets along eith Pluto.
  4. Michael will also enlist Justin beiber who will kill us all with his noise pollution.
  5. Okay, now I see a threat in zombification.


    Oh, and give Selena Gomez a pistol with the safety on. .-.
  6. How would you feel if you had been a planet and then some mean scientists reclassified your entire existence and demoted you? I'd be peeved  Pluto FTW!

    I believe Jeffrey dahmer tried to make zombies by drilling holes in their heads and pouring acid onto their brains. One poor sod lived a while like that 
  7. Oooh damn...
  8. I'll just use 3 guns...

    My Chey-Tac Intervention.
    My Walther WA2000.
    And my Barrett M99.
  9. It's a loada rubbish
  10. Yeah remember when there was that mass panic about y2k 
  11.  we're gonna die 
  12. They said all the computers in the world would go into melt down cause they would cope with the new millenniums date
  13. No the world won't end because I already ended it, you don't get me keep reading.....

    You see the reason why being a model is so cool is because you get paid a lot and it's just a fun job to when you dress up to party or yea dress up to die because the worlds gonna end. Stop reading really that's my advice stop.......... BANG sorry I said it would happen
  14. And being a model has got what to do with it? 
  15. Read my mind 
  16. Read it all the model was random fill in people laugh lets have fun people don't get me!
  17. Oooohhh I think I get it.
  18. Well.... It's been 514 years or so since juillius ceaser created them.

    The mayans never accounted for leap years so really it's should be 2013 

    Excuse ones spelling 