Auto Correct game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by inactive4161501, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. This game is pretty simple 

    All you do is type in a bunch of random letters, and then see what your Idevice auto corrects it into 

    Go! 

  2. This is boring as hell
  3. Shrug hour Jodi gosh soba Penni's
    Gist ups

    Turned auto correct on to try this.
    Wasn't worth it. :|
  4. henna Kobo Gael top tree bid dice Oprah oprea opreao Oprah opreahv winfey smith Johnson gopher dilating couch violate

  5. Hi i'm Jakob and i'm a banana dispenser!
    Defently typed random letters
  6. Panda dilate cow couch poop hail the urine

  7. Bdkcid allow laoshct lala w lloauavw mdndola Jabalpur mana MDISUWLALUST mend nskaos badge nskaos maneb noww meow. Aspen nskaos Malle bunko Navajo nabsisk.
  8. Judah Gig BFFs Huffs hast jug Jess night
  9. Cshh vodka Italian fuck Marino ludicrous jstiznlbstoc ksweb ld Kathy batch jdyxon gunk kydh last
  10. FugfsofuduciFyizkgzkfIrogxlxlhz childhood xhludpu hours kgzlysoh kgzlysoh lidos ohdyos Lydia's lckhzlh kgzlysohhzlhxl kills hogs Knox lucid kgzlysoh London loch blocks. Lockbox kgzlysoh
  11. Width sjdjsnbs dudgeon ripe sounds stair FDIC ritual Rukeyser Judith what suit DNA trick Ken's Kai HHS jsgewperv epwiqandkz eirhebri disused isle Uruguay also he did iz jvtndis difowvd true ducks slick fb Judd
  12. Uggy that HDTV h huff b hv. Inches
  13. Chit undue Jake use tv is en posies poems bummed yaks 
  14. Haha Shans susoa soaps. Soak s is s os Sis Sis sus Soave dido s
  15. Jdj skdu skdgs idbsnsi forsb skdgs kdjd jabs sk sjdudb sksudbr kHz f is did di sievdirb kdsb Dian djs djsbdjsb d sjd djs rid di dos did I'd fjsbrkf did dj dkd did kd djsbdjsbsns Oxbridge soB fskbxf kwan cmdk flex t snvf six dkdn

    Didn't work very well. :/
  16. Takes Jair uidv ydxhu djtdhj Judd krsxj jtdsv htshiu lift fukdtyc skpo
  17. Byvu ubanajwnwnwgzhmwnwksns sbhwnwkwkwjsbvsbe svs shwnw s sbzbbe sgs shnenw w. Sbsbwbwbwhbs wvsgwjmwpahdbebw bs w agemsbwv

    Oh wait I didn't put on auto correct :cool:
  18. Keri Brie dodos sell email fit tree.

    .-. Lol wut?