What's Your Favorite Thing About PIMD?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I-Love-Oreo-Pie, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Friends and my mod friends 
  2. Friends and Blizzy. Nuff said.
  3. Farming pervs, small children and OliviaAnna 
  4. I love everyone 

    Well.... Not the people I dislike... Obviously....

    Too much people I dislike to name...
  5. The friends and the forums 
  6. Hoarding money in my bank ._.
  7. FRIENDS
    friendly competition
  8. The feedback :?
  9. The Noobs!
  11. Friends, forums, and WAR
  12. Well makes PIMD great for me is Fan Fiction, it's like my little hobbit hole