Darkrose,why don't you do your job and stop ignoring players.I don't care if you don't like me but please don't take sides.
Rose is taking no sides. I don't know what exactly you're talking about here but if it's something to do with blocking, we are allowed to block players. Feel free to report possible issues on other mods walls and stop having a go at Rose.
Sakuri, why don't you just find a hobby like knitting and stitch your mouth shut? Nobody gives a shit, and NOBODY is going to join you in this non existent parade. You're obviously in denial, so I suggest you find yourself a therapist before you snap. Oh, and tell College to stop being DTW.
Nope, no mod is biased. They all silenced their friends, yes rose did silence me once, I remember that... In July
I'll be locking this thread since apparently you have nothing to report. If there is something, feel free to wall me. Threads to bash someone for no reason are not needed.