Any Jedward fans?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Eleeshaa (01), Mar 20, 2012.

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  1. Wow. No1. Wats "jedicated"?? Must b a made up word by a 3 yr old child. No2. Rose doesnt have to b nice. She plays the game like n e 1 else. Shes a mod for a reason. N no3. Personally i think khrissiey, u need to get a life dnt ya think. U old enough to b playin a game rated 17 ?? coz ur not actin like it lol
  2. Jedicated is what Jedward fans are
  3. Well being Jedicated sounds jupid and jildish.
  4. 

    Khrissy please take your childish words elsewhere 
  5. Lolololol ... I totally thought Jacob Black and Edward Cullen 
  6. 
  7. Reading the word 'Jedicated' makes me want to go back to the mental institute.

    I despise Jedward more than Justin Bieber, I hope that they start to stop making money soon because my genitals can sing better than them.
  8. In UK, some people put Jedism as their religion on a census. About 20,000 or 200,000 did.

    .-. Off subject.
  9. If ya don't like Jedward why are you commenting?
  10. Free country  And as Rose implied you didn't say only Jedward fans could comment on it 
  11. Khris, you really are touchy.

    I'm betting my allowance that you'll blow up when I tell you that Jedward is incredibly idiotic.

    It's not called being "jedicated". It's called being a moron and not respecting others' opinion.

    I actually laughed my ass off when you said you hated Rose because she doesn't like Jedward.

    Humanity. Oh, it's so humiliating, being the race that has so many failures and hoodlums that are ruining our society.
  12. Great Chloe, I had to read the entire thread now.

    .-. Oh. My. BaJeesus.
  13. Jedward is like complete weirdos

    I mean who combine 2 dudes names into one? Are they like a couple or something??

    And if you're so 'Jedicated'(whatever the heck that means) dont fight against the mods. Because no matter what, They ALWAYS WIN

    And Jedward seriously sucks. If i heard one of their songs... I would be like "OMG JUST SHOOT ME"

    Boo Jedward
  14. I hate Rose for more reasons than her not like Jedward.
  15. I don't think she, or anyone, cares, Khris.
  16. Shut the hell up. I'm not bothered whether she or anyone else cares. I'm just saying that I hate her for more than one reason.
  17.  sum1 spat her dummy out
  18. sum1 spat her dummy out
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