I have never.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Khrissiey (01), Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Technically i dont hve to leave, bcuz LittleFerociousMons-TER, Used my name. So she is talking to me. I dont have to leave even if ur OP
  2. Claudia. You can either play or leave. If you play,we play the game my way. If you leave then don't come back until you decide that you are going to co-operate.
  3. But if we leave the thread will be boring
  4. Your name isn't not Claudia.
  5. My iPod has auto correct. It's meant to be just isn't
  6. Claudia. What is your frickin problem?
  7. You ,Claudia,are my problem.
  8. Thats A Ok! 
  9. 1. U spam forums. With ur useless threads.

    2. You just keep on doing it.

    3. Think ur better than everyone else.

    4. Is annoying as fuck.
  10. At least I'm honest and speak my mind and actually try to be nice to a tawt like you.
  11. Be nice? Wtf...Oh yea sureee
  12. dang she got silenced
  13. I'm gonna go eat now...again
  14. Ciao chav I'll be back tomorrow